I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

  • 55 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • I couldn’t really make head or tail of it and I’m still not sure, but Google’s announcement linked to the list of incident reports that they said were being mishandled, and I picked out this one at random, and I have to say it definitely seems like they kind of have a point. Certificates were being signed with SHA-1 for about 2 years, as far as I can tell, and most of Entrust’s responses over several months of people asking them “how are you taking steps to endeavor that things like this aren’t still happening or will not happen again” was basically, thank you for concern but fuck off stop bothering me.

  • You know what? I actually think the answers are almost all pretty solidly productive stuff. Like taking at face value the question and saying “hey here’s how to help the Democrats win since you asked.”

    That was not what I expected. I am – for real – pretty surprised. I think I have well founded reasons for being suspicious of why you would have posted the actual “just asking questions” original post, but the answers (even the discussion from people being real critical of Biden) is fine. Has the Lemmy consensus, even on lemmy.ml, shifted that far away from “let’s not vote for Biden what’s the worst that could happen”?

  • It’s good to see that the propaganda accounts have learned the Fox News trick of having one person innocently ask a question so a bunch of other people can rush in and provide the answer (which is turning out to be, big shocker, that Biden is bad and we shouldn’t vote for him.) As Fox discovered, it seems a lot more organic that way instead of just having someone stand in front of the camera and say over and over “DON’T VOTE FOR BIDEN.”

    I am still waiting for them to learn to make accounts that are supporting Biden but doing a terrible job of it – sort of a Lemmy version of Alan Colmes – like “I’m glad the stock market and GDP are going up so much under Biden, as a rich person I think he’s doing great with the economy and also he’s sticking it to the Palestinians which I obviously support.”

    I’ve seen a little sporadic trickle of accounts with very bad semiconservative opinions and then also supporting certain Democrats, but they seem pretty chaotic and probably like authentic homegrown trolls. I think the real fake-Biden-supporting propaganda potential has yet to be unlocked. I do support this new development in innocent questions, though; it seems like it’s got some potential.

  • I’m just saying most left people I know who want to reign in the excesses of US hegemony care about US military adventures in the Middle East, or interventions in Central America, or immigration policy, or neoliberal trade restrictions against weaker economic powers… it’s highly unusual for the second thing on the list to be this particular European military alliance that is highly consensual and pretty productive for everyone who’s a part of it, and which is targeted almost entirely (now that it’s not the late 1990s anymore) at one particular big geopolitical power that they don’t have any particular love for any more than they do for the US. If we were talking about reigning them in back when they were bombing the fuck out of the former Yugoslavia, then yeah I wouldn’t bat an eye at it, but… I’m not saying it’s impossible that someone from the left managed to authentically arrive at the conclusion that out of all the possible awful things the US does on the world stage, NATO’s the urgent problem that needs to be torn down. But I think in comparison to the other obvious explanation, it seems a little implausible, quite honestly.

  • Disclaimer: I have no idea what the right move here is. It’s a shitty situation. “How Democracies Die” talks about it in quite a bit of detail, but basically, in the unfolding collapse of a democracy, there’s a terrible temptation to start eroding democratic norms “in kind” in response to their eroding from the fascist side, but this is a mistake. You have to keep fighting on the tilted table without trying to tilt it back, because eroding the norms of behavior plays right into the fascists’ hands and those democratic standards are horrifyingly hard to get back once you’ve broken the seal.

    But, that being said, keeping in mind that this is satire to make a point: I don’t think Biden should have Trump assassinated, or anybody. I do think that it would be a little more directly on the nose if he, as an official act, had Seal Team 6 ambush all the justices that voted for this (as an official act of course), take them with hoods over their heads and in ziptie cuffs to an undisclosed location, and then put up on YouTube the video of someone asking them a few questions in a bare concrete room in that undisclosed location, requesting that they clarify that this is really what they meant. Sort of bring some reality to what is the door they are trying to open, on a personal level, to them. Because I am 100% serious when I say that that is 100% very literally the door they have chosen to open. Sort of a “Let’s close this door back up tight, right brother? Unless you are sure you want to open it? Really, like really for real sure with no backsies?”

  • 100% right. It is the temptation for easy solutions.

    Turns out all that was needed to eliminate war and oppression was to pick out one semi-democratic country that’s doing it, and don’t vote in their elections, and bingo! Fascists take over, country collapses, no war and oppression anymore. I am amazed it was so easy the whole time and people were wasting their time with all these other more complicated structures and efforts to get it done.

  • Are you under the impression that Trump’s destruction of the US won’t involve him doing 10 times more terroristic things all over the world?

    Or that the powers that will invade the power vacuum left by a US collapse wouldn’t instantly start resuming the exact same terrorism, and worse, that you are (with every righteous reason) opposing when the US is doing it?

  • Labor is strongest when it ruins the capitalist economy. That’s the fucking point. It’s a class war and the enemy is winning, we need to hit back. Make the markets scream!

    I think wanting this to happen sounds great. Like I say, I agree.

    Waiting for a president who will provide it before you take any political step, even if what happens while you’re waiting is that you go into a concentration camp for being queer or communist, while the genocide in Palestine actually accelerates and starts being replicated in a lot of other places across the world; I don’t think that is a good idea. Do you think that is a good idea?

    Michelle Obama, why not?

    I asked you a serious question. Who should win the election in November? If you were running the Democrat’s strategy, who would you nominate instead of Biden?

  • Yeah this is a somewhat bad guide at least as far as some of these entries

    I would also add:

    • ad hoc = sort of made up for this one situation; “ad hoc attendance system” means they’re not following the structure; carries an implication that it’s more or less working but maybe not the best way
    • de facto = it doesn’t have the designation but regardless of that, the meaning of the designation is what’s happening; “de facto manager” means they don’t have the manager title but that’s the job they are doing
    • per se = I’m being nitpicky about details so please be careful not to read anything into my statements other than what’s specifically said; “he didn’t drive off the road per se, but he skidded on the turn and he was way out of his lane”