Notable changes:

  • Tracking improvements. For example, if you use the launcher to launch an application and then switch workspaces, it will still launch in the workspace you opened it from;
  • Supported the ext-session-lock protocol, which authenticates the user and informs the compositor when the session should be unlocked
  • XDG activation and DBus activation support
  • work on HDR
  • Ongoing work to package COSMIC on NixOS: tracking issue
    10 months ago

    I want that individual users are able to theme my app. I don’t want that distributors and DEs automatically theme my app and expect that it still works the same.

    It’s a bit like websites: I’m absolutely fine if a user wants to inject some CSS in my website. On the other hand, if a browser manufacturer decided to inject CSS into all websites to customize their look, it would be a nightmare for web developers.