Not that it made sense in context
Your brain is stinky.
Is c/disneyvacation a thing here?
! does exist, but it’s not that active.
Has anyone made /c/Disneyvacation yet?
There’s also !
That’s awesome, thanks stranger!
Wikihow to drop your shoulder and nonchalantly roll away from a toxic work colleague with unwanted sexual intentions.
“Millennial Zombies Make Dinner Plans”
how to detect early signs of brainrot
“You brain reeks lol” “No u lol”
Jessica could see that Billy was an attractive mate. Unfortunately, his sensitivity triggered her lizard brain to judge him as a poor protector.
When you both have the same type of brainrot
wanna do drugs?
“Stinky head!”
“Lol, yeah”
Let’s have hot brain for lunch
average wikihow article