Explore the Living Lands, a mysterious island filled with adventure and danger. As an envoy of Aedyr, you are sent to investigate rumors of a spreading plagu...
From the makers of kotor 2, fallout new vegas, and pillars of eternity
I realize Obsidian isn’t known for visual masterpieces, but this looks extremely dated. The original teaser also had a much darker feel to it than this trailer. Seems a lot more colorful than I expected.
It’ll be on Game Pass, so I’ll probably check it out anyway, but this kind of dampened my expectations by a lot.
I realize Obsidian isn’t known for visual masterpieces, but this looks extremely dated. The original teaser also had a much darker feel to it than this trailer. Seems a lot more colorful than I expected.
It’ll be on Game Pass, so I’ll probably check it out anyway, but this kind of dampened my expectations by a lot.