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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • I’m not a historian, but Tacitus definitely mentioned Jesus’ crucifixion. Saying there are a “a lot” of source is an exaggeration, you’re right about that, but there’s basically no doubt that Jesus was a real, historical figure. (I’m not saying that you’re disputing that, I’m just still stuck on the guy actually thinking that Jesus wasn’t real.)

    Obviously Christian sources can’t be taken at face value, but there’s enough corroborating evidence - be it archaeological or written - that proves that at least some of the things in the gospels are based on facts, even if it’s certainly embellished and a lot of it likely just made up and/or warped over time.

  • Decisions like this just prove how massive the market for a self-hostable alternative is. They’re not banning it because it’s a bad tool, they’re banning it because they’re concerned about what happens to the source code their engineers paste into it.

    There are already a bunch of OSS attempts, and it likely won’t take long until we have something of comparable quality to ChatGPT is available for companies to host on their own hardware.

  • Personally, I think the biggest challenge with documentation is keeping it up to date.

    The only way I’ve found to be actually up-to-date on docs is to do GitOps and have self-documenting code. That way every change being made is automatically documented with a commit message.

    If you can’t do that because your tools aren’t GitOps compatible, you need management to enforce some kind of documentation rule. Like every time a system gets touched, documentation needs to be updated. A project isn’t complete until docs are done/updated.

    This is easily said, but in practice it’s just not going to happen. You need a team that both actually wants to this, and has the time to do it.

  • Die ganze Situation ist ekelhaft.

    Man sollte dieses erpresserhafte Verhalten von einer Firma, die letztes Jahr 8 Milliarden Dollar Gewinn gemacht hat, nicht ermöglichen.

    Andererseits will man halt in der Chip Produktion verständlicherweise unabhängiger von der Situation in Taiwan werden, und man hat eigentlich keine andere Wahl. Intel weiß das natürlich auch.

    Ich weiß nicht was die richtige Lösung wäre, aber ich beneide die Leute nicht, die das entscheiden müssen…

  • It’s not an EU project, but there are EU countries involved in the funding, which means EU tender regulations apply.

    Wendelstein is cheaper, but according to wikipedia it also went over budget. “[…] while the total cost for the IPP site in Greifswald including investment plus operating costs (personnel and material resources) amounted to €1.06 billion for that 18-year period. This exceeded the original budget estimate, mainly because the initial development phase was longer than expected, doubling the personnel costs.” (The original source is a dead link, but you could probably find something corroborating fairly easily.)

    I’m not saying ITER is a bad project, I don’t even think the cost is a problem, I just think that the regulations surrounding the financing of these kinds of projects often do more harm than good.

  • It is. :) It actually started way back when I was still in school. I suffered from pretty severe depression, but being a teenager I thought I had to deal with it by myself and I didn’t talk to my parents. Instead, I would skip school, take my bike and just ride off into the forest and just read all day.

    Back then it was classic escapism, really.

    I’m mostly better now, was in therapy for a bit and while I still have some bad days, the habit of doing this to hide away from the world has morphed into something I do just because I love it, not to get away from something.

  • Im Vergleich zu bisherigen Berechnungen gehen die Autoren von einer Steigerung zwischen 10 und 40 Prozent aus. Diese könnten sogar noch höher ausfallen, wenn die generativen KIs direkt in Software integriert werden würde. Dadurch stünde mehr Arbeitszeit zur Verfügung, die für andere Aufgaben genutzt werden könne.

    Ich hasse den Kapitalismus. Statt die höhere Produktivität als Grund zu sehen, die Arbeitszeiten bei gleicher Bezahlung zu reduzieren, geht es ausschließlich darum, die gewonnene Zeit “für andere Aufgaben” zu nutzen.

    Jedes Jahr steigt die Anzahl der Burnouts, gefühlt jeder hat Depressionen, aber Hauptsache die Profite steigen weiter, alles andere ist egal.

  • I started doing this two years ago, mostly because I couldn’t justify the emissions from flying just to go on holiday and looked for a more local alternative, but I’ve grown to really love the freedom and flexibility bikepacking gives.

    My previous trips have always been in summer or early fall and my gear was oriented around that. I wasn’t really expecting the cold nights and strong winds of the Danish coast (especially since May last year was way hotter than this year) and just froze my balls off at night. I did it for two nights because I still appreciated the greater flexibility of just pitching a tent whenever I wanted, but on the third night I just gave in and booked an AirBnB.

    It was still a super fun trip, though!

  • I rode Kopenhagen -> Berlin in May (started as bikepacking, but it was colder than I expected, and I didn’t really have the right gear, so I switched to staying in BnBs for the last 2 days).

    I don’t have any concrete plans for other longer tours right now. I’ll probably do the Altmühl Cycle Route over a long weekend, though. It’s pretty close to where I live, so I can just take regional trains to the starting point and back home at the destination.