I second this. People usually recommend Ubuntu for beginners which I can somewhat understand because it’s super easy to get started. But the downside is that you’ll most likely stay a beginner and don’t understand the absolute basics of a Linux based OS because, well, most of the time you don’t have to. Then you make a beginner’s mistake once and there you go.
Ubuntu and other Ubuntu desktop variants tend to break very often for me. But this has nothing to do with Linux.
I use Arch Linux at home and never reainstalled it because its solid af. Unlike Windows or Ubuntu
I second this. People usually recommend Ubuntu for beginners which I can somewhat understand because it’s super easy to get started. But the downside is that you’ll most likely stay a beginner and don’t understand the absolute basics of a Linux based OS because, well, most of the time you don’t have to. Then you make a beginner’s mistake once and there you go.