Rückmeldung zum Wintersemester 2024/25: So hoch ist der Semesterbeitrag an der Uni Wuppertal
Wuppertaler Studierende haben noch bis zum 15. August 2024 Zeit, sich zum Wintersemester 2024/25 zurückzumelden. Bis dahin müssen sie 303,40 Euro an die Bergische Universität überweisen. Doch für was genau bezahlen sie diesen Beitrag? blickfeld hat den Semesterbeitrag aufgeschlüsselt.
Please select which language you are using for the sake of users who filter by language. Danke!
Please deselect undetermined language in your settings. Danke!
It is only possible *for Lemmy users *to specify the language via the web app and possibly some other apps. The post above is written by a Mastodon user, so there is no option to set the language. However, this entire community here is primarily German-speaking. If I only allow German as a language for this community, it is no longer possible for Lemmy users to post in English. (which will be the exception, but I didn’t want to exclude non-German speakers)