Here we go again…

    11 months ago

    As an outsider it seems absolutely weird that the US as a country seems to have accepted people getting shot by other regular people daily as normal.

      11 months ago

      My kids’ school recently had an active shooter drill like we used to do fire drills when I was a kid. They said they all had hiding spots to go to and they thought it was pretty scary. They’re in elementary school. It’s definitely not normal that instead of doing something about the guns we have to teach kids to hide from gunmen because that’s just a legit possibility now.

          11 months ago

          I had these in middle school… Which would have been the late 1990’s…

          It’s definitely normal… I’m not sure what the person you responded to is going on about.

          • It is entirely possible that the timelines for their introductions were different.

            Also it is only more worrying that the problem is left unadressed since 25 years. Again nothing should be normal about school children having to learn how to hide from someone with a gun trying to kill as many of them as possible.

            The US truly seems like a failed state from the outside.

              11 months ago

              And what EU country is rolling in success right now?

              If you’re going to walk into a conversation and the only thing you have to add is “The US truly seems like a failed state from the outside.” You’re not actually going to further that conversation at all.

              Also it is only more worrying that the problem is left unadressed since 25 years.

              What is unaddressed? What problem do you think exists here? Every time I see this argument it’s always stupidly phrased. The UK has lower rates therefore it must be gun control…

              Look at the intentional homicide rates…

              Notice something? It’s South America that’s completely fucked. If we ban guns in the US… nothing stops that shit from proliferating into the USA on the southern border. Our issues are more handled with better border controls and increase mental welfare. Most violence that happens here is gang violence.

              But for one moment let’s look at this list. Notice the British Virgin Islands place on this list… Very similar controls to Britain proper… but has a 2 point higher rate than the USA…

              • The issue of school shootings, and other acts of violence with the sole intent to kill random people. These things happen about once in a decade in most western countries.

                In the US they happen all the fucking time. Especially that people go out of their way to murder a bunch of elementary kids is something happening extremely rarely in other countries.Not so in the US.

                In no point did i argue about the particular reasons or solutions, but it is evident that the US is really fucked up in this regard.

                  11 months ago

                  The issue of school shootings, and other acts of violence with the sole intent to kill random people. These things happen about once in a decade in most western countries.

                  Uhh… I already addressed this… The link, if you had read it shows homicide rates per country. Sort by rate, look where your country is compared to the USA… then compared to some other “western” countries. Sort by Region/Subregion… Allow yourself to think about why the US might have problems. The US does have higher rates… The EU itself is surrounded

                  Not only are mass shootings common…

                  In no point did i argue about the particular reasons or solutions,

                  Correct, and I never said you did. I said that the argument I always hear from people who make claims like the USA is fucked up is bullshit. Showing an example of a country over here that’s ruled by Britain with British law, doing significantly worse than the USA does. Almost like it’s different over here. Probably because the EU is buffered from the third world countries… while the USA is definitely not.

                  but it is evident that the US is really fucked up in this regard.

                  It’s really not. But see, you never elaborated on what is “unaddressed” either. So there’s no way to further this discussion is there?

                  • You cannot use overall homicide rates as an indicator for mass shootings.Of course a high homicide rate is a problem in itself, vut it is a different quality, when two drug gangs shoot each other up over a deal gone wrong than someone just running into a school killing two dozen kids