Jews are not merely a religious group but an ethno-religious people for whom the land of Israel is a symbol and embodiment of their spiritual and territorial sovereignty. The relationship between Jews and Israel is intrinsic and inseparable. To sever this bond is to deny our historical and cultural rights, an act of profound injustice that perpetuates historical wrongs.

Recent efforts to portray Jews as interlopers from “Poland,” a crass and ignorant reference that trivialises the horrors of the Shoah, are part of a broader narrative aimed at delegitimising Jewish claims to Israel. This narrative insists that Jews are merely practitioners of a faith, not a people with a legitimate claim to a homeland. Such rhetoric conveniently aligns with the propaganda of Hamas, which frames its violent actions as “resistance” rather than terrorism.

The libellous assertion that Zionism is a Western colonial project reveals a deliberate effort to undermine Jewish historical and legal claims. It seeks to deny the Jewish people’s right to self-determination and to delegitimise their connection to their ancestral land. This narrative not only distorts history but also fuels the extremist ideologies that justify violence against Israel.

Zionism, at its essence, is a movement of liberation and affirmation. It stands as a testament to the resilience of the Jewish people, our unbreakable bond with our homeland, and our enduring right to self-determination.

  • oberstoffensichtlichOP
    24 days ago

    Some Palestinians claim rights to the land by referring back to Canaanites.

    So what would happen is the same situation as we have now.

    Or are you implying Zionists are time travelers? That would be a novel accusation to me.