Pronouns: Sir / Lord / God Emperor

  • 91 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • In the letter, HHS said it was holding Daszak responsible for EcoHealth Alliance’s failure to adequately monitor the activities of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and then subsequently failing to report on the lab’s high-risk virus studies.

    “The alleged conduct of EHA is imputed to you, because during all or part of the time relevant, you participated in, knew of, or had reason to know of EHA’s improper conduct, through your role as the President of EHA” as well as project director and principal investigator, HHS wrote.

    EcoHealth and Daszak have come under fire from Republicans and Democrats over the group’s work with the Wuhan lab, particularly regarding controversial “gain of function” research to enhance the ability of the virus to cause disease or make it more transmissible.

    Welcome to the “FO” phase of FU&FO.


    The signers of the Declaration of Independence. Lots of young 'uns in there.

    Adams, John MA 40

    Adams, Samuel 53

    Bartlett, Josiah 46

    Braxton, Carter 39

    Carroll, Charles 38

    Chase, Samuel 35

    Clark, Abraham 50

    Clymer, George 37

    Ellery, William 48

    Floyd, William 41

    Franklin, Benjamin 70

    Gerry, Elbridge 32

    Gwinnett, Button 41

    Hall, Lyman 52

    Hancock, John 40

    Harrison, Benjamin 50

    Hart, John 65

    Hewes, Joseph 46

    Heyward Jr., Thomas 30

    Hooper, William 34

    Hopkins, Stephen 69

    Hopkinson, Francis 38

    Huntington, Samuel 45

    Jefferson, Thomas 33

    Lee, Francis Lightfoot 41

    Lee, Richard Henry 44

    Lewis, Francis 63

    Livingston, Philip 60

    Lynch Jr., Thomas 26

    McKean, Thomas 42

    Middleton, Arthur 34

    Morris, Lewis 50

    Morris, Robert 42

    Morton, John 52

    Nelson Jr., Thomas 37

    Paca, William 35

    Paine, Robert Treat 45

    Penn, John 36

    Read, George 42

    Rodney, Caesar. 47

    Ross, George 46

    Rush, Benjamin 30

    Rutledge, Edward 26

    Sherman, Roger 55

    Smith, James 57

    Stockton, Richard 45

    Stone, Thomas MD 33

    Taylor, George PA 60

    Thornton, Matthew 62

    Walton, George 35

    Whipple, William 46

    Williams, William 45

    Wilson, James 33

    Witherspoon, John 53

    Wolcott, Oliver 49

    Wythe, George VA 50

  • Nearly a year later, Issa and her husband, Fiston Rukengeza, on behalf of themselves and their unborn child, sued TDCJ and three of Issa’s supervisors — Brandy Hooper, Desmond Thompson and Alonzo Hammond. They argue the state caused the death of their child by violating state and federal laws as well as the U.S. Constitution, and they are seeking money to cover medical costs and funeral expenses and to compensate for pain and suffering.

    But the prison agency and the Texas attorney general’s office, which has staked its reputation on “defending the unborn” all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, are arguing the agency shouldn’t be held responsible for the stillbirth because staff didn’t break the law. Plus, they said, it’s not clear that Issa’s fetus had rights as a person.

    “Just because several statutes define an individual to include an unborn child does not mean that the Fourteenth Amendment does the same,” the Texas attorney general’s office wrote in a March footnote, referring to the constitutional right to life.

    For more than two decades, in legislation passed by lawmakers and defended in court by the attorney general’s office, Texas has insisted “unborn children” be recognized as people starting at fertilization. And although it has traditionally referred to all stages of pregnancy, from fertilized egg to birth, as an unborn child, the state repeatedly referred to Issa’s stillborn baby as a fetus in legal briefings.

    Of course they weren’t going to stick to one moral definition. It has never been about morality. It’s always been about control. At least his time, they said it openly.