Not a lot of changes this time around:
Added SC13 519A
Added L16 v2
Updated MiX-7
Removed Convoy Z1
Pending Wurkkos TS10 Max
I review flashlights and other gear at
Not a lot of changes this time around:
Added SC13 519A
Added L16 v2
Updated MiX-7
Removed Convoy Z1
Pending Wurkkos TS10 Max
@carter2077 @flashlight it doesn’t have a sub-lumen low and the UI is a little weird. As more competing options became available, I think it’s less compelling.
It’s still a good flashlight, and if those traits don’t bother you, may be the right light for your.
The SP36 is a fairly large light, larger than I think most people really need for general use and camping. The FC11C is adequate, simpler to operate, and a more convenient size. Pick up a couple spare batteries if you’re concerned about runtime.
The Wuben is a round beam without cutoffs. The 20x65 TIR I have in the Convoy has little spill outside its rectangular beam.
@JazzmanJosh I like the 719A pretty well in this application. I also have one in an S21E, but the B35A is clearly better there. I have yet to try a B35A in a C8 and haven’t read about anyone else doing so. It only loses 10% throw in the S21E, but I think it would do worse in the C8.
@flashlight So far it’s looking like the 20x65 has a much harder vertical cutoff than the rest, which is desirable to avoid blinding other road users. The 10x65 and 15x30 don’t focus all that well.
@Cooljimy84 These don’t quite have the hard cutoffs that are ideal for bike lights, but they come pretty close.
More changes:
Replaced Sofirn IF22A with Wurkkos TD01C. The regulated buck driver is much more efficient and doesn’t dim as the battery drains in medium modes. It also has more throw.
Added Zebralight SC700d HI.
Re-added Reylight Pineapple Mini.
Added Skilhunt EC200S Mini.
Wurkkos FC11 replaced with FC11C
Acebeam E70 Mini removed
Skilhunt EC200 and EC200S added
Sofirn SP40A removed
Acebeam L35 updated to 2.0
Thrunite TC20 v2 removed
Emisar D3AA added
Convoy C8+ updated
Convoy M21F replaces M21C
Convoy M3C removed
@Showroom7561 @flashlight There have been Olight models on this list before. There aren’t any currently due to the company’s heavy use of proprietary batteries. Their LED selections in many models also leave something to be desired.
@EmperorHenry The MH25 Pro is a much fatter light that doesn’t fill the same role. Direct competition for the MH12 Pro would be more along the lines of the Fenix PD36R v2 and Acebeam T35.
@technomad @flashlight
Maybe the FC11C, unless you need secondary LEDs on the side, then maybe the Sofirn IF24 Pro.