Some of my favorite bands using lots of odd time signatures are Rush, Tool and Soundgarden. Check them out if you like that about Pink Floyd!
Some of my favorite bands using lots of odd time signatures are Rush, Tool and Soundgarden. Check them out if you like that about Pink Floyd!
Is there any basis for that? Trump is a very likely target.
I switched back to Manjaro today and I agree.
The Talos Principle was such a great game! I think I’ll play it again before buying part 2
I’ve been on Linux exclusively for over 5 years now. I’m starting to struggle with some Windows stuff that I just forgot how to do. But also I’m still shit at Linux. It just works so well that I never really had to learn what’s under the hood.
There is a lot of software that only runs on Windows that has no viable alternatives. For private use, the vast majority of people would be fine without Windows, but so many professional applications require it.
Construction workers, farmers etc will use a van or a flatbed version of a van over here:
Or if they need heavier loads, actual flatbed trucks:
Nobody who could use a truck uses a truck in Europe. Usually, a Van or something is the better choice. I don’t really understand the “american pick-up truck” form factor.
It has to be one of the most profitable companies on the planet. So much revenue with so little staff
He’s filthy rich and makes some of his money with gambling addiction. But his company invests million into Linux and I really enjoy Valve’s products. There are thousands of worse CEOs and companies.
Time to get some good noise cancelling headphones for your daughter
Delicious organic german onion
It’s tempting, but it lacks a flared base. Never shove anything in your ass that doesn’t have a flared base.
Thanks for reminding me this exists
Not at all what I said.
Odd statement. The world has cared a lot more about genocide after 1945.
Sanchez all the way, I used to store one or two in every garage
I have the same thing with my best friend. It’s been almost 15 years now and we trust each other blindly if we use the word.
GIMP is great. I love to use it.
It’s not perfect, but it’s served me well over the past ten years.