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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You can spin up a cheap VPS in a matter of minutes for less than five dollars. You do not need anything but a credit card usually. If you want a dedicated server all to yourself then it gets significantly more expensive but no less straightforward. If you want to put your own hardware online you’ll have to look at a collocation seller or arrange something with an ISP.

    Of course if your home internet connection upstream is good enough, and your ISP permissive enough you could also just do dynamic DNS and have everything running off that.

  • You’re making a lot of claims about things I don’t think you really have a grasp on. “Toxic masculinity” is not an implication that all men are inherently toxic. It’s a criticism of societal expectations for men that harm them and their relationships.

    You’re saying that feminism has seriously hindered acceptance of male masturbation but all you’ve provided here is vague unsubstantiated implications of media bias and a single author’s name. I’m not going to read the entire collected works of whoever Dworkin is to figure out why you think they’re both representative of the entire feminist movement and also hate men wanking it. Give me something tangible here. A quote, a law they supported, a speech, a video, literally anything at all that isn’t just some insinuation that’s only attributable to yourself

    I would consider myself a male feminist and I masturbate daily so if the movement thinks that’s wrong I’d like to know so I can stop describing myself as feminist.