I second this. Got over 80 hours of playtime right now and it is a blast (when playing with friends)
The new season looks awesome. It won’t ever replace Titanfall 2, but it scratches the same itch.
I second this. Got over 80 hours of playtime right now and it is a blast (when playing with friends)
The new season looks awesome. It won’t ever replace Titanfall 2, but it scratches the same itch.
Gibt es bereits ein Update? Die Odyssee des Pakets ist das Highlight meiner Woche :D
If your game allows people to hold stuff: A small purple Stegosaurus that the player can pick up. It ever so slightly grows in size whenever you enter a new room. Once it is big enough you can use its tail as a ramp to get to a new area, otherwise inaccessible.
Limbo and Lost in Random
You could replay them for the vibe, but that’s it
The issue is not the genre “single player (shooter)” itself, but that these big companies just churn out the same generic bullshit and then act surprised when no-one plays it.
AAA studios just don’t have the balls anymore to take a risk and develop something unique. And this is their downfall.
Titanfall 2, Metro Exodus, Ghostwire Tokyo, Doom (to name a few) are all excellent first person shooters. All of them have something unique about them that makes them worthwhile.
Not a cheap option, but the clothes look nice and not that much on the nose: There is a Radio Eva store in the same building as the Shibuya Pokemon Center. Can’t remember the name of the building, but if you take the escalator to the Shibuya Pkm Center you can’t miss it. I think it is one floor below the Pkm Center.
You can check the clothes out beforehand here: https://www.radio-eva.jp/ The physical store does not stock everything, pleas keep that in mind :)
Also, the whole building is full of cool smaller clothing and other brands, take your time to explore.
I have YouTube Premium and use the included ad-blocker of OperaGX. Never had that pop up and my YouTube runs like it always has.
I think once you pay for Premium they don’t care anymore of you have an ad-blocker running.
46 cent per kWH is insane for home prices the fuck.
Furthermore, if you don’t want to pirate: Buy your games on GoG. They are DRM free and you don’t need the launcher to play (GoG Galaxy is amazing though btw)
Those are amazing prices.
In Germany I pay:
-0.33$ at home and work
-0.72$ - 0.88$ on public chargers
Gas is currently about 7.68$ per gallon. ._.
Zu “Mach es wie Bethesda” passt eher “Team - Toll ein anderer machts” Die hoffen ja gefühlt immer darauf, dass die Community Patches liefert.
And now we only need lower energy prices to make it viable.
The cheapest stations I can find in my town charges 0,67€ per kWH.
Recently came by one near the Autobahn that wanted a 0,56€ activation fee, 0,10€ per minute occupation fee and (depending on the charging speed) 0,89€ or 0,93€ per kWH. Those are insane prices.
Also, we need to get away from coal.
Falls jemand weiß, wo man den Patch herbekommen kann, lasst es mich bitte wissen :)
Vielleicht stehe ich einfach nur auf dem Schlauch, aber ich versteh den Witz nicht. Kann jemand den bitte erläutern?
Welches Modell hast du? Ich bin gerade auf der Suche nach einem Saugroboter (und paar anderen Internet der Dinge Geräten), die nicht zu viel nach Hause telefonieren wollen (am besten gar nicht).
Ich habe zum Glück rechts, links und zwei Mal unter mir Raucher. Da brauche ich erst gar nicht versuchen zu lüften, geht nur mitten in der Nacht