I am the journeyer from the valley of the dead Sega consoles. With the blessings of Sega Saturn, the gaming system of destruction, I am the Scout of Silence… Sailor Saturn.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • When I eventually shuffle off this mortal coil (not any time soon don’t worry!) I’ll do so with a cell-phone in my hand, open to whatever god-forsaken replacement for the American healthcare system Silicon Valley dreams up.

    My family would find me lying there unconscious. The animated corporate mascot, looking slightly uncertain but still happy, would just repeat in a sing-song cartoonish voice “You might want to check your blood pressure!” and “you still haven’t completed today’s tasks for Health+ points! But don’t worry, there’s still time!”

    Eventually they manage to shut Healthy Bob up; but continue to receive birthday reminders from Pinstagrambook long after my passing, with no setting to turn it off.

  • Couldn’t make it through the video, but this level of argument has been hashed and rehashed over literally the past thousand years. It’s in the training data out the wazoo. And yet the youtube commenters act like it’s the most insightful thing they’ve ever heard, and not copy-pasted from a mediocre philosophy 101 textbook.

    each perspective is given its best possible representation.

    This was a quite nuanced debate, better than what most humans are capable of.

    I feel like we are nearing to the end of the times. We humans are losing faith in ourselves… – Hayao Miyazaki

  • Robots are becoming extremely capable – able to respond to very abstract commands like “move forward”, “get up”, “kick ball”, “reach for object”, etc.

    Computers now have the cutting edge ability to-- *checks notes*– parse Zork text adventure style user input.

    If you’ve done any reading on the history of AI you may recognize these sorts of commands as “blocks world”, which goes back to the '60s. Sure there’s been a ton of advancements since then, but just the basic act of a computer understanding “kick ball” is not exactly groundbreaking.