Deine Annahme, dass es Freizeit sein soll würde ich nicht folgen. Wäre bei uns definitiv vergütete Arbeitszeit. Deswegen wäre ich vorsichtig mit deiner Behauptung “nicht rechtens”… OP hat wortwörtlich keinen Bock. Wenn OP verhindert wäre z.B. wegen Krankheit oder Arztbesuch dann muss eine andere Art geschaffen werden den Urlaubsanspruch einzureichen
Der Brief wurde doch mit der Post verschickt und kam in Hamburg raus. Der Tracker war in einem Katalogheft und daher für Postangestellte nicht erkennbar ohne Röntgengerät. Was findest du daran skuril?
Nicht wenn dabei das Abfangen oder Ausspähen von Daten notwendig ist, denn dass fällt unter den Paragraph 202c (“Hackerparagraph”)ähens_und_Abfangens_von_Daten
It’s a good idea to create a more decentralized solution to share your parkour spots.
Unfortunately does not support custom POI lists.
The german OSM community is hosting a Umap service, where you could create a custom POI map. (
The map can then be shared and the POIs can be downloaded as gpx, kml or similar file. This file can then be imported into any Map Apps.
For the photos… If you get the permission to put these under a Creative Commons License, then you can upload them to Wikimedia. Then put the link into the description of the POIs in the Umap
Unfortunately most of the species tagged trees are mass imported and not mapped by a real mapper.
I try often to map species or genus but there is no good mobile app for this task yet.
And here is the chart to follow the progress:
We should see a saturation arround 3 trillion trees. (1)
You can easily help achivieving this goal by reworking natural=tree_row and adding single natural=tree into natural=wood areas :) I know, some say this is discouraged, but we really need to map EVERY TREE!
The person to the right?
Dann solltest du es kennzeichnen, siehe
Sometimes I even think about adding a Google Maps Link to POIs, because of Reviews. The reviews helping a lot to know what to expect from a POI before visiting them.
Thankfully there is no established tag yet.
Super danke. Arbeitest du eher mit App oder im Browser?
Haha, danke für das Finden des Autokorrekturfehlers ;) Gemeint war natürlich Kontoeröffnung statt Körperöffnung!
Und vielen Dank für dein Feedback.
Interessant wären noch Erfahrungen im Umgang mit der App und Bank. Aber ich vermute anhand deiner Antworten, dass du dort auch noch kein Kunde bist…
Nicht vom Einkommen sondern Vermögen. Wäre doch witzig wenn man wegen eines Parkverstosses sein Vermögen offen legen muss und bei Falschangaben wird es extra teuer.
The Linux Mint Upgrade process for Version 21.x to 22 still needs manual console commands and a sudo or root user with graphic access.
It would be nice if Mint will improve to a more integrated upgrade process in future.
Is this an upgraded seed!?
Next Challenge:
Huntress, put every Scoll of Upgrade into the studded gloves
Hi @activistPnk, you have some good ideas and you can directly start contributing to it.
The OpenStreetMap Database is a very flexible and open key-value store. Everybody can add any values to the Database even when they are not documented yet. This is how we came so far and successful with OpenStreetMap. This journey continues as long as enough people contributed their ideas to OpenStreetMap and try to find consens with the other mappers for common meanings.
So for a lot of examples you mentioned there are already established keys:
name=* brand=* operator=* network=* fee=* charge=* currency:EUR=yes/no currency:USD=yes/no currency:GPB=yes/no cash_out:notes:denominations=* cash_withdrawal:limit=* indoor=yes/no opening_hours=*
For your other information you can just invent new tags and use them. Maybe then more people will jump on them. Best practice is, to regularly visit for used keys and values. Also is useful to documente used values. And vote for things in Proposals, when different solutions are competing against each other.
The most annoying thing when adding POIs with Osmand for me is, that the POIs are disappearing when uploaded.
The POIs are only coming back after map update which takes couple of days or weeks.
That means its impossible fix an error on the new POI. Another editor needs to be used then. I use Vespucci in these cases.
The map tiles are greyed out and have less contrast then before. Unfortunately there is also no switch setting for normal mode.
Now I use the Mozilla Dark Reader Addon to increase contrast again. Makes the experience of in dark mode much better.