• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • And I was countering your reply.

    So you try, you get turned down. Does it hurt? Yes. Is it the end of the world? If anyone replies with “yes” that is a serious issue because it is not.

    Getting a “no” for an answer is almost guaranteed. What is there to lose? Perhaps the lost “yes” for not trying.

  • Bullshit.

    It’s a social - stupid - standing that states romantic/social/sexual advances must be started by the male part, which automatically relegates the female part to a passive/subdued part.

    If you want someone, be bold. Doesn’t matter how you define yourself either.

    I don’t really care if you are shy and can’t speak or any coping mechanism you may have built to justify your awkwardess. Just try.

    Write a note. Have a mutual friend act as a liaison to help the first step. Write a letter. Blurt out the most incoherent speech you can muster. Then say it all again, only ten times slower. Send smoke signals. Use a parrot or a crow. But try.

    It hurts a lot more to punish yourself for not trying, later in your life. Failure and rejection are part of it. Get used to it. Learn from it.

  • Human milk banks exist, as the concept of wet nurses, so sharing milk is not a novelty concept.

    Humans also retain the capability to digest milk throughout their entire lives (yes, exceptions apply), so the problem of biological use is already solved as well.

    The last barrier may be on the level of actualling producing it, perhaps?

    Unlike animals, humans can actively consent on having their milk harvested for consumption by others.

    So, the only hurdle to really solve is perhaps the resistance or taboo of human milk being like any other milk, if not even fairer.

  • A good wine does not have to be expensive. I actually should not be.

    I’m from a wine country and even when we have to import grapes from abroad, a reasonable to good wine parks around €3 to €5, for a 750ml bottle. A very good wine will fetch prices on the €8 to €10 price range, €12 if some reserve.

    Above that, you’re buying fluff.

    I laugh when someone tells me they bought some collectible wine as an investment. Sure.

  • Okay.

    Now that we already know we are pretty much at the hands of one pupeteer, what options are there?

    I already read about Kagi (apologies if mispelled) but I like to write as a hobby and 300 searches per month go fast.

    What other options are there?


    For those who may be arriving now:

    • Kagi seems to be a good option for an alternative search engine; it is a paid service, for which I don’t have the €€€ right now. Many speak very well about it.
    • SearXNG is a thing as well, to my understanding a decentralized search system. Worth the try, in my opinion. If it’s something that is decentralized, it is worthy to support and divulge.
    • There is mojeek.com, supposedly not very good but any option that goes against the monopoly is worth the try! I’m going to try this one.
    • Brave.com is an option but is a bit shady.
    • You should try Ecosia if you want to support reforestation efforts. Read somewhere in the thread it is part of the Bing ecosystem.
    • Yep is a thing as well. Somewhere in the thread, a lemmy points they use the search results for AI trainning. So… That is that.
    • And it seems there is a search engine by the name of dogpile.com.
    • Startpage is another search engine (portal?) suggested by another user. I’ve used it before and like it. Read somewhere it somehow piped a standard google search but removed tracking and ads.
    • and I just remembered Presearch.com. This is a really shady one (crypto warning!) that I suspect is a fork/collab with Brave Browser. I’ve used it, they have reward-per-search reward system (or had) where they give you crypto for every search. Good results, some that don’t come up neither on DDG nor Google.

    p.p.s Should I start categorizing these from “shady” to “worthy”?

    p.p.s 2 Does anyone remember StumbleUpon? I know it was never a search engine to begin with but it was the best source of good internet content I ever got acquainted to.

    Can we get something like that back?

  • I can’t find the article but a man that was fatally dosed with radiation in a nuclear plant accident was subjected to treatments, without prior consent, to study radiation poisoning, that prolongued his life to a point his existence was only pain and suffering.

    It was an incredible act of cruelty to a human being but the knowledge gathered from it has improved the collective knowledge on how to address something that can meaninglessly kill others.

    I can’t even imagine the mental state of those that took part in the study and witnessed the living decay of a human being while knowingly prolonging his suffering.

    Animal testing is fundamentally wrong, I don’t want it to exist and I agree with you, but the world is not all sunshine and flowers.

  • Both occurr.

    There are experimental medication trials with volunteer human subjects, often people in a situation where they have nothing to lose and whatever small contribute they may give to advance knowledge on a given field may very well be their last (or only) act of compassion towards others.

    Make-up and so called beauty products can and should be tested on humans alone. But medications and other alike present too much of an unknown outcome to test outright on humans. Too many could die before any good data could be gathered to improve whatever is being developed, which would render most research undoable.

    Animal testing is, as we stand, a necessary evil we must all carry with us. Let us hope we find a way to end this in a very near future.

  • Interesting question from a chicken.

    My concern is not morality and neither is that the issue here.

    The animals we call farm animals today came from what are considered prey animals and the process of domestication was essentialy a process of reducing fear and wariness towards our species.

    Dogs came to be from an apex predator that, we speculate, found advantageous to actively associate with our species for mutual benefit.

    Different origins produced different outcomes.

  • The base difference is that dogs evolved side by side with our species to develop and return emotional bonding and feedback with humans.

    All other animals we managed to domesticate, at best, tolerate us or fear us. Cute little photos of cows and pigs enjoying being hugged and petted are exceptions, not norm.

    I’ve been trying to understand, for years, what happened to turn dogs and cats food in asian countries (beside famines, hence desperation) but every single source I was ever able to find always gets muddled in exotheric notions of ”medicinal" use or some other folklore high tale.

    For context: in Vietnam, cat meat is often served as being “little tiger”.

    To the extent of my knowledge, the rest of the world never needed to wrap an animal in an exotheric tale to declare it as potential food.

  • qyron@sopuli.xyzto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    9 months ago

    Explore this brand a bit, then.

    I specifically bought one 4 years ago to have something that could withstand existing in an industrial environment (dust, oil, hard surfaces) and for €150 it still lasts today.

    Parts are easy to find as well.