Public key in a pubic place?
Public key in a pubic place?
import re
numbers = {
"one" : 1,
"two" : 2,
"three" : 3,
"four" : 4,
"five" : 5,
"six" : 6,
"seven" : 7,
"eight" : 8,
"nine" : 9
for digit in range(10):
numbers[str(digit)] = digit
pattern = "(%s)" % "|".join(numbers.keys())
re1 = re.compile(".*?" + pattern)
re2 = re.compile(".*" + pattern)
total = 0
for line in open("input.txt"):
m1 = re1.match(line)
m2 = re2.match(line)
num = (numbers[] * 10) + numbers[]
total += num
There weren’t any zeros in the training data I got - the text seems to suggest that “0” is allowed but “zero” isn’t.
I think Shapez levels become procedural after a certain number of predetermined ones?
Same everywhere - it’s in the GSM standard
easy to remember, as 9/11 was a couple of days ago.
Wendover’s description of how complex the company structures are and why inheritance is so complicated:
Another more successful operation in Rwanda and Ghana is delivering 1.8kg over 300km and dropped by parachute.
Taking money out of someone’s wages because equipment got washed away isn’t cool, especially if it pressures them to go out in a storm to try and stop it happening a second time
Average RimWorld player
Based on human perception, based on water chemistry, based on physics.
Nissan apparently collects “Sensitive personal information, including driver’s license number, national or state identification number, citizenship status, immigration status, race, national origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual activity, precise geolocation, health diagnosis data, and genetic information.”
I guess Subaru don’t need telemetry to guess your sexual orientation.
It was a staple of Asimov’s books that while trying to predict decisions of the robot brain, nobody in that world ever understood how they fundamentally worked.
He said that while the first few generations were programmed by humans, everything since that was programmed by the previous generation of programs.
This leads us to Asimov’s world in which nobody is even remotely capable of creating programs that violate the assumptions built into the first iteration of these systems - are we at that point now?
Was there actually anything stopping them before, other than some traffic cops with a grenade launcher, and some excavator operators frantically digging up the motorway?
Uhm, that phone was a Nokia 1110 - it could only store 100 SMS messages, didn’t really have space for these ‘memes’ you mention?
Like those spanner/socket sizes where you have to figure out the sequence 3/8 -> 7/16 -> 1/2 rather than just like 10mm -> 11mm -> 12mm
“Any crystal is a crystal of banishment if you throw it hard enough”
Not just that, but you might get less radiation swimming in the pool where spent nuclear fuel rods are stored than outdoors.
When you’re 90% through a ASOIAF ebook and it finishes b/c the rest is a list of family names