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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • … I’m talking about right-sector, azov, national corps etc. They were brought into leadership and legitimized as part of the national guard and army. That is inexcusable. You would really side with Nazis to defend “your country”? After the war is over, Ukraine will become an ultra-right wing state. The state apparatus will have been completely overtaken by these militias and groups.

    That’s like saying the UK should’ve legitimized and absorbed the British Fascist Party during WW2, made Oswald Mosley the minister of defense (which was done in Ukraine…) etc. That’s insane, but it does show how you liberals see the world. Scratch a liberal etc etc

  • I think you’re remembering incorrectly bro… After 9/11, if you didn’t support invading any vaguely Muslim country you were a traitor. Fucking libs on TV were cheering for killing Saddam and invading Iraq, dismissing any attempts to question why would that even make sense as weak-spined traitorous behaviour.

    Also, how can you say that while you support a never ending war in Ukraine?

    Is Russia imperialist? Yes. Is this invasion a tragedy? Yes. Did it happen, and will continue to happen for a long time in good part because of the US? Fuck yes as well.

    I don’t support Russia invading or winning the war. I don’t support NATO breaking its promises and meddling in Eastern Europe propping up Nazis.

    The US Empire is directly responsible for Putin, in the first place. And it’s now directly responsible for the extreme right in Ukraine.

    What anyone who’s actually against war wants is for the US Empire to fall and NATO to be dismantled. For Putin to fall and the Russian people to have freedom again. For the Nazis in Ukraine to not have power anymore.

    If you support sending billions in weapons to Ukraine (as fucking debt, Ukraine will be in debt to the US and Europe for centuries…), if you support war games in South Korea, Taiwan, if you complained when Biden left Afghanistan… you’re literally a war hawk.

  • Funny how if you’re against another endless war you’re a tankie and support Putin…

    I’m neither a tankie nor I support Putin. But I also don’t support NATO and the Empire.

    But just as a note, most “tankies” don’t support Russia and know Putin is a conservative capitalist. I mean he is the direct result of the dismantling of the USSR by internal revisionists (tsarists and capitalists) and the CIA.

    But again, it’s the Iraq war all over again. And you libs are doing THE SAME THING. It’s hilarious.