• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • If Gore had not been blocked from the presidency by Jeb Bush’s Florida (with its’ goddamned hanging chads in the ballot) and the right wing Supreme Court purposely dragging its’ feet then saying “there is no time”:

    1. The threat of hijacking airplanes would have been taken seriously.
    2. Iraq would NOT have been invaded, 9/11 or no 9/11.
    3. The Kyoto Protocol (greenhouse emissions treaty) would have been honored instead of dumped, which is what baby bush did.
    4. The Army Corp Of Engineers would have had resources for dike maintenance in New Orleans leading up to Hurricane Katrina, instead of going on pointless errands in Iraq.

    These are but a few of the major sliding door points, there are MANY others.
    Yet lazy, stubbornly ignorant narcissistic idiots still insisted and to this day insist that bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe.

    These non-voters see their blood-soaked hands and sigh in contentment at their mediocre idea of purity.

  • “Well I think these strange scientists should stop wasting their time peering over microscopes when there’s more important things to do… you know… things that common folk like us can understand and relate to immediately” - any typical anti-reason anti-science (probably religious) dolt, ignorantly vulnerable to things like cholera because they draw their water from the same river where people piss, shit and litter upstream.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldIt's exhausting...
    2 days ago

    “It’s soooo exhausting to vote one day every two years, so might as well allow as many republicans as possible to become firmly entrenched in every level of government, able to sabotage any attempt to push the inertia in any other direction.”

    Here’s a novel idea: you are not just electing one charismatic godking messiah with a magic political wand to the executive office every four years, but an entire system of appointees and employees.

    Then there’s Congress, and the Supreme Court, and state governors and state congresses, city mayors and city council, school board, etc.

    One side strives for reason and science, the other is scorched earth anti-science anti-reason ignorant hysteria. And you keep giving them enough power to thwart everything.

    Tune out and stop watching the infotainment bullshit designed to keep us outraged and polarized every minute of the goddamned day, just show up at the polls each first Tuesday in November and vote Democrat. Once every two years is enough.

    At this point, you have enough information to do this with great confidence that it is the correct and sane choice.
    Let’s get our collective heads out of the Middle Ages peasant mindset.