



  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • It’s suicides. Almost 60% of gun deaths are suicides.

    Gun deaths reached their last peak in the US around 1975. At that time the rate between homicide and suicide was about 50/50. So it’s not like suicides were very low with guns, guns are probably the most quick and effective way to kill yourself and if you want to be dead, using a gun is the gold standard. Still, from 50% to 60% is a very significant change. It’s also important to note, there is more variability in gun homicide than there is in suicide (though there is still a little bit of a positive correlation), so in times of low violent crime the disparity grows.

  • When people feel ignored in a democratic country, they begin to feel like the democracy they live in is a sham or that democracy itself doesn’t work.

    Votes like this aren’t necessarily about “we need a different direction” and more about desperation and/or anger. They want to show the elites of their country that they still have the power, they want to cost them something for treating the population like it’s there to be harvested from, they want to shake up the status quo at all cost.

    They want to prove to themselves that their vote still matters.

    Letting it get to this point is really bad governance. Once you get here, either they win, or they don’t. And of they don’t, most of the people who support them have their suspicions confirmed, they don’t live in a democracy, they voted and didn’t get what they want, again. This creates a division that is difficult to come back from.

  • Water bottles for ablution and head scarves…

    I doubt they let Jews have tefellin in jail either. Or Sikhs carry a ceremonial knife at all times. Not everything is a violation of religious rights, some things are dangerous to give people in situations like that. They make a good faith effort, they let them take time for prayer and eat at the right times during Ramadan, they don’t make them wear immodest clothing, they can wash up before prayers. I wish they weren’t in there, but it’s a potentially dangerous place, the ingenuity people have with the materials around them you wouldn’t believe.

    “Islamically significant” lol who comes up with this stuff.