Started playing magic with Portal and Mirage. Currently play historic and looking to get into Modern.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I think The One Ring has been slipping under the radar with all the focus on Nadu. Nadu is definitely a problem but The One Ring is being run in nearly every other deck and I just cannot see how this is a good thing for any format. If aggro, midrange, combo, and control are all running the same card I think that’s a clear sign the card is not only too strong, but too easy to run as well.

    There just aren’t any downsides, not even color pips, to prevent auto-including it and the upside is to high that it’s often the right decision to just run 4 of them. I saw a number of games in PT MH3 where the game was almost over but the player behind casts TOR and then ends up winning from the card advantage it generated.

  • I totally agree. In this video one of the guys basically says whenever he sees a turn 1 Grief->Reanimate->Grief or an Initiative creature he just scoops and decides its not worth playing that game. I get that this on the extreme side, but when you have players activity deciding to just scoop instead of playing out a game, because of how mentally exasperating it is, I wonder what the f- are we even doing! This is a GAME. This screams to me local/community ban list. I were running a store and trying to get people to come out, I would just manage my own banlist, but a community created one would go the furthest I think.

  • I don’t play Legacy but I’ve always been a big fan of the format. It’s very interesting to hear their thoughts on how negatively impactful Grief has been for the format. I think it’s frustrating but expected that Wizards delays banning a card from the current active set that they’re promoting. They haven’t even shipped out Gift Bundles yet (July) so to ban a card from the set before people even receive the product is definitely never happening.

    I do think that Grief creates non-games, and I think non-games are truly antithetical to “fun” and fun should be the #1 concern for every game in existence. The fact that they’re not banning it means they care more about money than fun.