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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Immigration is such a fucked up issue almost everywhere. You’ve got the right blaming everything on brown people and the left claiming all immigrants are just peace loving pacifists looking for a better life.

    As with most issues the truth is in the middle and any immigration policy should absolutely demand that any immigrant coming into a country assimilate and fully support our values of equality for all.

    You cannot tell me you support equality for all when your religion makes your wife walk 5 steps behind you in a beekeeper suit at 30c weather while you get to strut around in shorts and flip-flops.

  • madcaesar@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldYep
    2 days ago

    You see the problem is that in a system where you only get two choices, you don’t get to say both choices suck, because that is literarily helping the shitter side.

    If you want to fix the system I’m all for it, but today, here, now, we are required to make a choice and the choice is crystal clear, one side is infinitely better than the other.

    It’s not close, it’s not they both are not perfect, this shitty system we have requires us, as adults to vote for one or the other and the Republicans are batshit insane people that literally want to kill women and queer people.

    This is not a matter of coke VS Pepsi, this is a brocoli VS steaming diarrhea.

  • madcaesar@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    5 days ago

    She’s a woman and black. It was mostly pandering to the left. Who would be better than her? I don’t really know. Maybe Pete? Possibly AOC? The democratic party is really lacking good young charismatic leaders. The old guard refuses to bring up and support more young up and comers.

    Actually typing this made me remeber Adam Schiff. I really like him ever since he stood up to Trumps corruption.