The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024

  • What I’m going to say is just a hypothesis from my part. It might be bollocks. But.

    For a long time I’ve suspected that Reddit runs some sort of algorithm to predict the profitability of each user, based on factors like

    • platform used (desktop vs. mobile)
    • running / not running an ad blocker
    • if not running an ad blocker, clicking on ads or not
    • likelihood of that user to buy Reddit junk (e.g. the “coins” of the past)
    • likelihood of that user to attract newer users
    • etc.

    and then the output of that algorithm is taken into account when handling rule violation. As in: you can go rogue and they’ll give you a short ban if you’re deemed profitable, or a small offence will give you a permaban if unprofitable.

    With that said I don’t think that they manually review your earlier posts/comments before enforcing the rules.

  • For my main thoughts on this matter, refer to this comment. I’ll only mention what’s different from this source to the other:

    “We are more transparent than many players in this industry who have used public content to train their models and products,” Meta said.

    “Since some people kill puppies, just kicking one is totally fine” moral reasoning might perhaps give you some breach in countries following Saxon tribal law, but not in countries following Roman civil law. In those, what matters is the law, not how the relevant organs handled other similar cases.

    The law in this case being the LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados - Data Protection General Law). If it’s found that Meta’s activities violate the LGPD, well, cry me a river, “I dun unrurrstand, Google does it worse, I’m so confusion…” won’t save Meta’s skin.

  • A spokesperson for Meta said in a statement the company is “disappointed” and insists its method “complies with privacy laws and regulations in Brazil.”

    Yeah, just like my cat complies with the policy of leaving my furniture alone. You aren’t fooling anyone, Meta.

    “This is a step backwards for innovation, competition in AI development and further delays bringing the benefits of AI to people in Brazil,” the spokesperson added.

    Cut off the bullshit. Only Meta itself will reap the benefits of this sort of rubbish.

    The relevant organ behind this decision mentioned in the article in the OP is the ANPD (Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados, “National Authority of Data Protection”).

    Additionally, the Senacon (Secretaria Nacional do Consumidor, roughly “Customers’ National Secretary”) is also going after Meta and demanding it to clarify:

    • their usage of customer data to train AI;
    • the purpose of the above;
    • its impact on customers;
    • the data usage information policy being adopted;
    • [which, if they exist] support channels that allow customers to exercise their rights [in this regard]

    I think that this is actually a bigger deal than what the ANPD did. It basically means that the customer’s protection entities in Brazil aren’t really buying Meta’s bullshit about “chrust us we have legitimare inrurrest”.

    Source, in Portuguese.

    Another relevant tidbit is that, when it comes to privacy, data, and internet, Brazilian organs’ typical modus operandi is “copypaste what’s being done in Europe”. And lots of European governments “happen” to be rather pissed at those megacorps.

    Perhaps now I can convince my relatives to use Matrix instead of that disgusting shit called zapzap WhatsApp.

  • Fuck no. A religion dictates:

    1. what you think to be true or false. I’m a human thus an ignorant; there’s no fucking way that I’d establish a system of beliefs that would be completely true. And the very fact that people would sheepishly look at my religion and say “its chrue cuz our faith says so lol” makes it counter-productive.
    2. what you judge as good or bad. Except that my moral values might not hold so well across the time. Worse - once you gather a thousand people, most of them braindead muppets, some will care about the letter of those moral rules instead of the spirit.
    3. what you do or don’t. I’d be effectively removing agency from the people who follow my religion, telling them what they should be doing, be it on rituals or whatever.

  • [Reader, beware: take what I say with a grain of salt. I’m not trans, I just happen to have a few trans friends here and there.]

    I think that people in general confuse the symbols too much with what they represent. Third person pronouns in English might symbolise your gender identity, but they aren’t the identity itself; first and foremost, you’re still you, regardless of those words. Just pick whatever you feel more comfortable with - be it “he/him”, “any”, or any other choice.

    And remember that your choice of pronouns doesn’t dictate who you are. Even if you see yourself as effeminate, and even if you have an unclear identity, and go for he/him, there’s no contradiction. Same deal if you pick “any” and see yourself as a man.

    And I feel like a lot of trans people have the same identity struggles as you do, or at least know someone in the same situation. Based on that I don’t think that the ones in good faith would bat an eye towards something like “he/him/any”.

  • Those are used with urine, not blood. Urine is yellow-ish, but since it’s just a drop, it doesn’t stain the strip; instead, the blue tip changes colour as it reacts with the glucose in the urine. Then you compare that coloured tip with a chart, and you get an idea of the concentration of glucose in your body. Picture related:

    I remember seeing those bottles in my bathroom all the time as a kid (my sister is diabetic).

    These almost look more like ph or ketone test strips…

    It is roughly the same idea as the one behind the litmus test for pH, indeed. The difference is which substance you’re putting there (Benedict’s reagent vs. pH indicators) and which substance you’re testing for (glucose vs. H₃O⁺ / OH⁻).

  • The only time that I remember dreaming with my phone, I was trying to turn it off, while its real life counterpart rung furiously.

    I’ve dreamt some times with my desktop though. Such as:

    • my cat pulling out the mouse from my computer, sitting in its place on the mousepad, and then meowing loudly (she does this a lot when she’s play-hunting)
    • throwing potatoes on the screen, so I could get some French fries in return
    • keyboard gardening: the keys were subbed with small pots full of dirt, some with small versions of plants. A lot of them were pepper plants and I was trying to cross-breed them.