The Metamorphosis of a Prime Intellect.
The Metamorphosis of a Prime Intellect.
After you listen to a song, the secret police from the RIAA come and lock it up in a small, dank cell given minimal sustenance, until the next time they can send it to some seedy hotel, suburban home, or automobile, to turn a trick and make them some more money, like some sort of whoo-re for the ears.
Apparently: Them playing our local city square, doing a terrible performance, acting like prima donnas, and then after inviting people to come see them at the merch booth after the show, then never showing up.
“The Grand Canyon is hundreds of years old.” “I’m pretty sure it’s millions of years old.” …later… “I looked it up, it is hundreds of millions of years old. So we’re both right.” - King of the Hill
TBF, that’s how I robbed Chase Bank last week.
It’s the lead that makes it slightly sweet.
Because it’s too hard to crumple a sheet of paper into a cube.
Hackers, absolute gold! People like to crap all over it because it’s not realistic, but the vibe of it really fits the hacking scene. Another similar movie, that has some pretty cool hacking vibe, but people also crap all over is Swordfish, 26% tomatoes, 59% audience.
What if the hives are rent controlled?