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Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • A lot of irl stuff happened to me this past season (beyond just breaking my hand, which is now basically recovered) and I sort of fell off of the seasonal anime train at some point, oops! Anyway, fresh start with the new season, let’s go!

    My friends and I did manage to keep up with the shows we decided to watch together, and they were all outstanding (light spoilers for all of them)

    Dungeon Meshi

    Absolutely stunning start to finish and we’re all eagerly awaiting the next season. I am thrilled that at the very end they managed to finally tie the monster-eating and sister-saving sides of the story together in a way that makes sense even though it’s weird as hell, lol. 10/10

    Tonari no Yokai-san

    It took a while to build up, but holy shit did it hit hard when it got to its climax. We were all sort of shocked at how dark the last arc got but the ending was soooo satisfying. 9/10

    I tried looking it up and it seems there’s not even a fan translation of the manga T_T

    Wind Breaker

    Quite a bit rockier in its pacing than I would have liked, but still very fun. I love all these weirdos and want nothing but the best for them. Ultimately this sort of story is more about the journey than the destination, so I don’t even really care that it ended 1-2 episodes into a new plot arc, lol. 8/10

    I’ve also started watching Odd Taxi, which I bounced off of when it aired (mostly due to the extended sequences of the comedy duo on the radio) but have heard nothing but good things about since. So far it’s a little slow but I’m putting my faith in the good reviews.

  • So guys who say stuff like “I prefer natural looking girls, not ones with caked on makeup” or “I’d only date a virgin. I don’t want any roast beef” or “no fatties, I only like thin girls” are what? All secretly gay or ace?

    ETA: my point is, people do comparisons all the time when talking about how one person is more attractive than another or than most other people (some more mean spirited than others). It often isn’t right or cool, but being mean doesn’t mean you’re not attracted to the person you’re contrasting.

  • Not really sure about this one so far. The animation was great and Takuma’s characterization was strong (personally I didn’t find his patheticness a turnoff), but the setup just feels very uncomfy to me. I understand that the story is about a classic scifi premise of “can robots love”, but currently it just feels like this man is so lonely that he’s developing an unhealthy attachment to a person-shaped appliance that has run calculations and concluded that reciprocating his feelings will help it complete its tasks better. I understand that the show wants us to see her as a person, and maybe it will give us reasons to do so later, but IMO a textual reading of the first episode doesn’t give me any right now, and the whole situation is giving me horror / black mirror vibes, which kills the light and fluffy vibe they seem to be shooting for (for me).

    For just the premiere, I give it a very mixed 3/5. I’ll see how i feel next week and maybe give it another episode.