Upvote enthusiast 👍
Nah, there hasn’t been a new post there in over a month, so that community needs some spicing up
Fight war crimes with war crimes
What was the life expectancy in Darwin’s time? Like 40-something?
It’s gerrymander!
It was shortly after they faked out Glenn’s death, because I felt the writers were being emotionally sadistic just for shock value and not to enrich the story.
I think I also quit watching The 100 around the same time for that same reason (and because of a couple character deaths that were written very shitty. If you know, you know.)
Jesus, that’s so horrible.
With two of the vehicles going the wrong way, it makes me wonder if they were inebriated and maybe this took place near a bar.
I wish the US had way better public transportation
Android: https://newpipe.net/
For PC: https://freetubeapp.io/
Or you can try switching your VPN to a European location while using Ublock. I think YouTube’s anti-adblocking violates EU privacy laws
Edit: fixed formatting 🫠
Sittin’ On The Dock of the Bay