Just a guy

  • 170 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Nice argument. But bacteria can infect organisms, even kill them. Can an Old One be “humanized”?

    This reminds me of a character from the book series Laundry Files by Charles Stross. Basically the have this alien entity called “the souls eater” (guess what it can do) which a secret british govern agency evoke in the 60s and bind to a human body with some kind of binding ritual, after that they pass almost 10 years brainwashing him in human value, honor ecc. up to the point where he became one of the best secret agent of that organization, with a key role to save the world from eldrich horrors.

  • Great art. The other works are amazing too. Nyarlathotep is alway been in my opinion the most shady and dangerous character of the mythos.

    Literary-who expain it very well in one of his video.

    (…) while Nyarlathotep might not be the absolute most powerful entity in his verse he is definitely the most dangerous. Other monsters in this universe might show up in front of you putting up a show being big and loud (…) he will show up looking like some kind of important figure so that you will listen to him and he is going to be very polite and very well spoken and he’s going to put all the stars at your feet and tell you how awesome you are in that thing you think you really want is here to give it to you and all you need to do in exchange is just do him a little favor, it’s gonna be something really easy and he’ll even help so that it’s even easier, how cool is that. And once you accept he’s gonna send you to the void and feed you to Azathoth because you were dumb enough to trust him.