Nothing can be done against them right now, but a hundred years ago denaturalization was en vogue. We gotta make sure we don’t go back to that past.
People born after 2000 can see it on their phones, much more clearly:
Yes, relativity for example!
I think you’re thinking of taking the absolute value squared, |z|^2 = z z*
Wordle 1,229 3/6
Didn’t know the word but got quite lucky
That’s rough, buddy.
Some humans are into that as well tho
Von Wikipedia: Der Name der Show setzt sich in Anlehnung an ihren Instagram-Account aus dem Vornamen der Gastgeberin und den Initialen ihres Nachnamens (Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim) sowie einem X in Anlehnung an „Terra X“ zusammen.
Der Dativ plural ist im “einigen”, “meiner Freunde” ist dann Genitiv plural passend zu “einige meiner Freunde”
I guess, Atlantisches Bündnis (Atlantic Alliance) is what’s written on Wikipedia, but I’ve never heard someone actually say that