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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • You know, that seems like total bullshit…

    … but remember how he started rambling that the Georgia case would be derailed because of the prosecutor’s “boyfriend”, and we all didn’t know what he was talking about, then the story broke and it delayed the trial?

    … or, how he kept saying the Supreme Court would bail him out of the NY case, and we all said “That simply can’t happen, it doesn’t work like that”, the the SC releases that ruling last week and now his sentencing is on hold?

    The man is obviously plugged in what the Republican Party is doing, he may not be able to string two thoughts together cohesively but he obviously gets good info from more competent people and then we hear it filtered through his mushy brain.

    I’ve learned over the years to be very careful with the random shit he says, because sometimes he’s right, if only because the last person he talked to gave him inside info, and he is incapable of keeping his mouth shut.

  • I personally think Biden would have no choice to resign. How can go to the American people and say “I guess I can’t do this job anymore”, but still do it for a few more months?

    It would have been different had he come to that conclusion 12 months ago, and allowed a contested primary for his replacement, but he didn’t. The only firm conclusion to come out of the Primaries is that most democrats want the incumbant. So, give Harris the benefit of incumbency.

    It’s the simplest path to make the convention not a shitshow. And remember that they need to settle this before the convention, because of the registration deadlines in Ohio and other states. If they leave this to rhe convention, there a real chance the Democrat won’t be on the ballot in Ohio.

  • It’s very difficult for ambitious people to admit that they’re done. Once you reach the pinnacle, it’s hard to give up, because the only way forward is down. LBJ is held up as an example, but it was difficult for him, too:

    On Inauguration Day (January 20, 1969), Johnson saw Nixon sworn in, then got on the plane to fly back to Texas. When the front door of the plane closed, Johnson pulled out a cigarette—his first cigarette he had smoked since his heart attack in 1955. One of his daughters pulled it out of his mouth and said, “Daddy, what are you doing? You’re going to kill yourself.” He took it back and said, “I’ve now raised you, girls. I’ve now been President. Now it’s my time!” From that point on, he went into a very self-destructive spiral.


    Consider how screwed up the SC is right now. Yes, a lot of that is due to Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham playing games, but it’s also due in no small part to RBG not resigning when many told her she ought to. Now, it’s quite clear that she was capable of the job at the time, and would only be stepping down for political expediency, so Obama could have named a younger replacement. If RBG had retired, and the court was less of a clusterfuck, we might not have appreciated how important that moment would have been.

    It’s hard enough to take the car keys away from Grandpa, it’s harder to take the keys to power away.