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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • If you could make utterly perfect copies of people like you can with objects and they only differed by their UUID…how different would those two people be really

    This made me think of identical twins. Perfect copies, but the minute they are born (for the convenience of tracking experience) they begin to differ. The majority of their properties and attributes remain identical, but their associations and metadata start to change.

    Identical twins provide an interesting thought experiment because a lot of times they end up with the same job roles, married to similar people (or even other sets of twins), dress similarly, have similar attitudes and opinions, etc. But in many ways they are just the same genetic code running in a different environment.

    If souls are just uuids, then I guess twins are some type of hash collision?

  • Try Razer’s config tool; not available on macOS though. If you can’t get that software to work, then try using that karabiner tool mentioned on another comment for macOS or AutoHotKey on Windows.

    Note: I do all of my keyboard config stuff the hard way with qmk, so I can’t vouch for, or explain, any of the tools I just listed.

    As for your spacebar issue, you have a key set that only supports Cherry Mx-style switches. This isn’t a problem for the switches themselves, but those stabilizers look to be incompatible with that spacebar. I don’t know much about razer boards, but it looks like the stabilizers are designed for their original spacebars, or there is an adapter that didn’t get installed with these new caps. You could confirm this by looking at the stabilizers for the shift or enter keys; pop one of those off and see how they are mounted.

    You might be able to open the case and install mx-style stabilizers. You’ve got a 6.25u size spacebar, which is usually covered in stabilizer kits like Durock or Cherry. The real issue is whether you could install them on the PCB. Cherry style stabilizers are also noisy as hell, so be ready for that (the noise can be controlled with some modifications, but that’s a rabbit hole all by itself).

    Good luck!

  • I went through a McDonald’s drive-thru the other day and had the most insane experience. For the context of this anecdote, I don’t do that often, so, what I experienced was just weird.

    While not quite “AI,” the first thing that happened was an automated voice yells at me, “are you ordering using your mobile app today?”

    There’s like three menu-speaker boxes, and due to where the car in front of me stopped, I’m like in between the last two. The other speaker begins to yell, “Are you ordering using your mobile app today?”

    The person running drive-thru mumbles something about pull around. I do. Pass by the other menu “Are you ordering using your mobile app today?”

    Dude walks out with a headset and starts taking orders from each car using a tablet.

    I have no idea what is happening. I can’t even see a menu when the guy gets around to me. Turns the tablet around at me.

    I realized that I was indeed ordering using the mobile app today.

  • Frank Lloyd Wright (1701-1959). Frank Lloyd Wright was an omniscient demimortal techno mage who took up architecture in the late 19th-century at the age of 186 after discovering the eldritch art of soul drafting. He began designing and building structures across the United States with the intention of harnessing the psycho-emotional energy of the US population. Many of his architectural plans plainly display the geometrical interplanar-harvester elements, in comparison to architects such as Ivo Shandor (cult of Gozer) who felt the need to obfuscate the intent of their structures. [1]^ Wright’s final design was commissioned from archmage Norman Lykes, who trapped Wright’s life force in a soul stone embedded in a Mission-style rocking chair. Wright’s legacy was commemorated by logistical clerics in a postage stamp in 1966 and in 1970 by Bardic duo Simon & Garfunkel.

    1. citation needed ↩︎

  • From the Wikipedia entry on the cyberpunk genre:

    a dystopian futuristic setting that tends to focus on a “combination of lowlife and high tech”, featuring futuristic technological and scientific achievements, such as artificial intelligence and cyberware, juxtaposed with societal collapse, dystopia or decay.

    Using that broad definition, this seems to “fit” into cyberpunk due to AI + societal collapse.

    I haven’t seen this, but I’m always on the lookout for cyberpunkish anime, so thanks for the accidental recommendation!

  • The all rights reserved line confuses me the most here. Where and to what are they asserting copyright?

    Are they claiming copyright on all that gibberish that they copied from a webpage somewhere or are they claiming that MDHS and the Census Bureau are violating copyright by printing their name and address on the letters?

    Without a treaty with Mississippi (which I don’t think a state can enter into an international treaty to begin with) or the US Government, this chucklefuck can’t really assert that they want their copyright protected and enforced by the US when they are claiming that the US violated that copyright (still don’t know what is supposed to be copyrighted).

    Another thing always frustrates me with this stuff is that anyone who has watched the news in the past 40 years should be well aware that the US and plenty of other countries don’t really give a shit about sovereignty unless there’s a treaty, a bunch of nuclear weapons, a big ass military, or a powerful economy protecting it.