We won’t get batterys developed and built in Germany, but we can still buy them from others. But yeah, fuck the FDP and triple Fuck Linder, May his Porsche always be broken.
We won’t get batterys developed and built in Germany, but we can still buy them from others. But yeah, fuck the FDP and triple Fuck Linder, May his Porsche always be broken.
Do you know how old they were? We would have to shut them down anyway because they started reaching end of life. There was no new project for decades already. It’s a complicated political situation and it’s fucking arrogant for you to come in, scream about “nUcLeAr Is BesT” without knowing the details. Even the energy companies didn’t want to keep the plants running at the end. So please let us try to do our Energiewende, we progressives in Germany have enough trouble with our stupid conservatives
I don’t have faith our governments will switch to 100% renewable,
But you have faith they will be responsible for a nuclear power plant and won’t allow any shortcuts in maintenance and keep it safe?
We need to actively start scrubbing CO2 out of the atmosphere, and we’re going to need as much power as we can generate for that.
Technical scrubbing is way to inefficient. It is powers of magnitude more efficient to invest in plants which build up the humus layer of fields, you can store way more CO2 that way.
Nuclear is expensive because it’s relatively rare. Economies of scale don’t apply to it as is. If we start building, it will become cheaper. Not cheap, perhaps, but cheaper. And it’s a cost worth paying. We are already paying the price for the “cheap” fossil fuels.
But if we spend the same amount of money for renewables+storage we get more power per dollar.
Yeah, right now. But not in 10 years when the first npps could be ready. And you would also need storage for npps when there is a lot of wind or sun, cause you can’t shut down the npps all the time or thermal stresses will cause damages to the pipes. And renewables are here now, it’s the storage that needs to catch up.
We can get more bang for our buck with renewables+storage.
why do nuclear diehards always pretend it’s nuclear or fossil fuels only, like renewables are nonexistant?
Is not the same as
pro nuclear arguing against renewables
They mostly don’t argue against it (only sometimes on reddit) but they always ignore its existence and accuse everyone who is not a nuclear fanboy on wanting more CO2 emissions.
But still false, because we had a short, small uptick while switching away from russian gas. Now Germany burns less coal than ever in the last 50 years.
But still more expensive than renewables + storage, so what’s your point?
but no, instead Germany had a fucking uptick in coal power while dropping the much cleaner nuclear.
You have a source for that?
Actually coal consumption is down to the level of the 1960s.
Baseload is an antiquated concept that doesn’t work with lots of renewables. Battery storage may be not completely feasible yet, but look at California to see that it has the potential to be ready faster than we can build new npps.
I wouldn’t be so optimistic. It may be not overt Christian, but the troubled teen industry in Utah has a rich history in child abuse and neglect and lots of dead teens in its past. Especially because this farm is named after the first of this programs. Those are the camps that kidnap children. See this podcast and it’s sources: Behind the Bastards
Trust US, he’s bad. He is blocking the necessary investments to get Germany’s economy back on a growth path.
Ebikes, Lastenträder und Carsharing. Ich lebe in einer Gemeinde von 5000 Einwohnern und erledige alle Strecken mit dem E-Bike. Nur für Situationen in denen ich weiter weg muss oder sehr schwere oder sperrige Lasten transportieren muss leihe ich mir ein Auto von Freunden/Verwandten
Storm shadow has optical terminal guidance as far as I know
I’m mean, president Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho wanted to help the population, solve the crop issue and did listen to smarter people. He was a bit impatient but accepted the reality if he saw it and could change his opinion. I’d vote for him over trump every time.
Look Up covert cabal on YouTube. He works together with a guy called himarsed to painstakingly count tanks, bumps and other stuff on commercial satellite imagery and regularly posts updates on the Russian arsenals. And they are pretty empty now
ein slippery slope argument würde voraussetzt haben das ich davon ausgehe das niemand diese Pläne verfolgen würde
Nein, wieso sollte es das?
Und das WIRD passieren, so oder so,
Ist nicht garantiert, daher slippery slope
Obligatorischer Hinweis darauf dass der bund der Steuerzahler eine Lobbyvereinigung der Wirtschaft ist und oft auch sinnvolle Dinge kritisiert.
“Tatsächlich repräsentiert er [der Bund der Steuerzahler] vor allem mittelständische Unternehmer, Freiberufler und Besserverdiener, die ihn über Beiträge und Spenden finanzieren. Lobbying und Kommunikation sind vor allem auf einen schlanken Staat und niedrige Steuern ausgerichtet. So fordert der Bund der Steuerzahler gerne und laut Steuersenkungen bei Einkommensteuer und Unternehmensteuern oder die Abschaffung des Solidaritätszuschlags, was vor allem Wohlhabende entlasten würde. Missstände im Steuerrecht und in der Finanzverwaltung, etwa Steuervergünstigungen oder die verbreitete Steuerhinterziehung bei Kapitaleinkünften, die in erster Linie wohlhabende Steuerzahler betreffen, werden dagegen nicht thematisiert. Auch die eigentlich richtige und wichtige Kritik der öffentlichen Verschwendung ist häufig an spektakulären Einzelfällen orientiert und wenig konstruktiv”.[4]
If I understood the supreme Court right, one legal option would be to kill them all officially… /s