☣️ “There once was a Doctor AJ
Who came onto Twitter to say
It might be alarming
But T cells are harming
So, avoid reinfection, OK?” - @LeonardiBot
⚠️ I boost a lot of art, photography, and anticapitalist points of view + write posts about covid* and systemic violence that may not have content warnings (*https://open-source-eschaton.net/@currentbias/tagged/covid)
🎉 :blobsars: :hazcat: :blobsars: 🎊
📓 https://justmytoots.com/@currentbias@open-source-eschaton.net
🔥🇺🇸🛢️🔥 (@1992/356 ppm)
:nbheart: they/themself/theirs
@UraniumBlazer @Nonameuser678 56 grams of protein from all sources. There is protein in almost everything you eat, and it combines to reach that goal. You don’t have to get all 56 grams from just lentils and beans
Also, it’s rice or some other grain you want to pair with lentils to achieve a complete protein, not beans – beans are legumes, and most legumes have a similar amino acid profile