• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Parents jobs arent to protect their kids

    I get you don’t mean this so broadly but you lose all nuance with this statement.

    Protect them from every minor mistake or risk that could ever possibly happen, and smothering them? Sure.

    Someone about to stab your kid? Protect them from predators? Protect them from various risks and hazards in life which every parent should be teaching them?

    • dont get into strangers cars
    • dont let strangers into the house
    • look both ways when crossing the road

  • Reading through this entire comment chain was interesting, because it seems everyone has missed each others points

    FlyingSquid I believe means like, parents having a photo album (ie, a literal traditional physical one my mum had of me) which contains like “photo of first bath” or “photo of new t shirt but no bottoms cause running around as toddlers do”, completely innocent shit mixed in with general baby photos. And pulling that album out is used to embarrass the adult son/daughter with funny baby pictures and “haha look at baby you naked”, completely innocent humour. It might be less common these days, generationally people don’t do it as much.

    nomus(?), killingtime(?) etc etc the others replying seem to be taking the comic literally as if the photos are solely of genitalia and thats the frame/centre point of the image instead of it just a kid doing something normal and happens to be nude.

    I am sure flyingsquid isn’t going around with photos of their kids privates to show to people / send it to people etc with the specific intention of showing private areas but instead like my previous example, the kid is in the bath. Or running around without bottoms or a nappy cause it was changing time. Who knows. But its a far cry from the extreme end which everyone else seems to be assuming

  • Within the first minute just entirely rips off LTT.

    I gave up when this “task based file” workflow thing came up.

    create a “file” add some text. (notepad). Want to add an image? You can! Now its a formatted document (word, writer etc). Want to present it? You press present and now its … a presentation? (powerpoint etc)

    How the hell could this ever work? All of these apps (under the hood) would need to handle all these wildly different file formats whenever you suddenly want to change what you’re doing. It would require the OS to basically pass everything around instead, and all apps to be able to understand any potential file format that could ever exist, in case the “incoming” file change (notepad to word, txt to docx) is wildly different.

    And what about files that have entirely unrelated tasks? I have a video saved through the “task based workflow above” which my final output is a playing video (so in vlc under the hood). But I don’t want to watch it, I want to edit it.

    Am I now going to open the file and choose an app, or open an app and choose a file? How do I tell the computer what “task” I want, without telling it both the file and the app.

    In this task based workflow it seems to imply there can only ever be one app under the hood. What if I present internally on teams and externally on zoom?

    What if I want to edit a video and watch a different video? Or edit the video in one of many different editors, all of which “edit video” but do it different ways and have different uses?

    A task based workflow as described would still need to start from either a file or an app. Its all well and good having a “new file” button which then magically takes me to whatever thing I need to modify that file, but as soon as more than one app exists to do similar tasks, this flow entirely breaks unless you start to add a list of tasks with slightly different names. And youre back to the original problem statement.