22 and 25 are “barely an adult”? In what world? Predator for pursuing a grown adult? Hmmm… and why do you assume he pursued me? I pursued him. Thank you for the weird condescension, it’s been 9 amazing years with no skeletons in the closet. As I’ve said, lay off the judgement, it ages you…
At 22 I was already living on my own for 8 years, and fully independent financially. But go on I guess? At 25 I was already a licensed notary with my own practice. Again, you don’t get to decide what’s gross or not for other adults. 72 and dementia? If you don’t take care of yourself sure. But it’s also extreme weirdo behavior to wish unhappiness upon someone just because you’re judgy. Very bitter and sour. Definitely a blast to be around.