• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • Oh man… When our crush gets even hotter… Ya, that is though. I know the feeling bro :((

    Look into meditation. Learn to meditate properly, there are good books on that. Learn to acknowledge that things are impermanente and unsatisfactory. Try different ways of viewing experience and see which one decreases suffering. When you are feeling badly because of him, look into your thoughts and notice how they dissappear. Does that help? If not, try to widen your experience. Use your sensory doors, hearing, sight, taste, contact. Listen to the sounds and notice what you notice. Same for sight, etc. (Sorry for the rambling, I am into meditation, if that’s not obvious)

    Other than that, just keep busy. Find a hobby. Be with your other friends. Make new friends. Join a gym, etc…

  • That is interesting. I have a friend with body dismorphia. I think there are different kinds of body dismorphia, and in his case, I trully do not think it represents reality. He is muscular, gym kind of physique, but he hates a certain part of it. I love the part that he hates, and I express it often. I wonder if I am doing the wrong thing? Should I be doing something else?