• 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • A PhD can get a much higher paying (and likely less physically difficult) job than fast food.

    That maybe be true, but they may be trying a different career, or unable to find a job in their field because of oversaturation, or whatever other reason.

    The unspoken assumption when someone is “overqualified” is that they will take a better job if the opportunity presents itself.

    Isn’t that everybody though? If a cashier in fastfood got an opportunity to become a highly-paid streamer, they’d quit their fastfood job immediately too. But I do get your point: better credentials mean better job chances, mean greater likelihood of moving a job that’s paid better.

  • Historical population declines worse than the current ones like the Black Plague and WW2 have always resulted in a better world for everyone.

    You do have to consider how those population declines happened though and in what state the world was in during and after. These countries with lower birthrates aren’t war-torn countries or cesspits. Birthrates dropped because people could make a decision not to have children. They are more educated in general than the cases you stated and willingly (well, forced by economic pressure) making conscious decisions not to make babies.

    When population goes back to 1950’s levels, labor will be valued like it was in the 1950’s, and the average person will once again have the wealth and leisure time to have a family.

    I like your optimism.