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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This reminds me of a colleague who was always ranting that our code was not documented well enough. He did not understand that documenting code in easily understandable sentences for everybody would fill whole books and that a normal person would not be able to keep the code path in his mental stack while reading page after page. Then he wanted at least the shortest possible summary of the code, which of course is the code itself.

    The guy basically did not want to read the code to understand the logic behind. When I took an hour and literally read the code for him and explained what I was reading including the well placed comments here and there everything was clear.

    AI is like this in my opinion. Some guys waste hours to generate code they can’t debug for days because they don’t understand what they read, while it would take maybe two hours to think and a day to implement and test to get the job done.

    I don’t like this trend. It’s like the people that can’t read docs or texts anymore. They need some random person making a 43 minute YouTube video to write code they don’t understand. Taking shortcuts in life usually never goes well in the long run. You have to learn and refine your skills each and every day to be and stay competent.

    AI is a tool in our toolbox. You can use it to be more productive. And that’s it.

  • Ich werfe mal FreeCAD in den Raum.

    Ja es ist nicht sehr schön und braucht noch etwas liebe seitens der Entwickler. Wenn man sich aber ordentlich einarbeitet und sich darauf einstellt, kann man damit gute Ergebnisse erreichen.

    Ich hatte das Problem, dass ich hin und wieder auch beruflich simple Teile konstruieren können wollte. Wenn man sich mit der Lizenzierung von den gängigen Programmen beschäftigt, wird einem schlecht, wenn man nicht Vollzeit Geld damit erwirtschaftet.

    Im privaten Bereich läuft das meiste an kostenfreien Versionen entweder online oder bestehende Funktionen werden irgendwann entfernt…

    Ich verstehe wirklich nicht, weshalb FreeCAD nicht beliebter ist. Es ist nicht perfekt aber absolut brauchbar.

  • It would be great if the EU steps back:

    Dear phone manufacturers. It seems to be impossible to build water resistant phones with easily replaceable batteries. So we have an alternative for you: In future you must provide a unconditional, professional battery replacement, free of charge for 10 years for each individual phone which is water resistant. Since the phones are so water resistant you also have to replace all water damaged phones free of charge.

    2 hours later Apple announces a keynote for next week. A week later Tim Cook presents us next years iPhone with an easily replaceable battery…