Just passing through.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • Thanks for the response! I’m sorry to hear that a core contributor vanished like that. Hopefully (s)he’s allright and just needed to delegate time differently. And as long as there’s at least two of you who feel somewhat dedicated to the project, even if you cannot always be active, that’s great. :)

    It reminds me of the old proverb that if you want to go fast, walk alone, if you want to go far, walk together. If Mbin can continue at a sustainable pace, where you’re not afraid to take time off when you need it, I have no doubt it can go far. :)

  • Yeah, very fair. I’m lucky enough that the things I use Mastodon for has more or less established communities there.

    The federation of comments is a huge headache. Intuitively it makes no sense the way it’s solved - if I go to the comment section, I don’t want a bunch of it to be randomly hidden from me. It’s something that just needs to be solved better, even though we’ll always see slightly different things as not all content is equally welcome everywhere.

    I’m happy Lemmy works better for you though! I think it might just be a better format for nerd stuff. I like Mastodon for many things, but this is where I go to embrace nerd stuff. Politics here are more insufferable than at the Mastodon instance I’m on though. ;)

  • This is just not correct. It runs on a protocol - anyone can create software that uses the same protocol and communicate with Bluesky users as equals.

    Were they right to develop their own protocol rather than to improve upon AP? Probably not. Is ATproto completely dominated by Bluesky? Yes. But is not like Twitter.

    I can - and do - communicate both ways with Bluesky users through Mastodon and Bridgy Fed. That would simply not be possible with Twitter.

  • Yeah, I think it’s fair to say nothing we do here is particularly well known in a broader sense. You’re lucky if people have heard of Mastodon - if they know that it’s decentralised that’s incredible, and if they understand what that means you’ve basically encountered an expert.

    It’s a bit of a challenge that people looking at these sites from the outside will struggle to immediately understand what is really going on here. It just redefines the internet to a point where people cannot really understand it without having it explained.