Master of Applied Cuntery, Level 7 Misanthrope, and Social Injustice Warrior

  • 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • _cnt0@sh.itjust.workstoich_ielich🔫🛩🛰iel
    4 days ago

    Am G36 gab es eigentlich überhaupt nichts auszsetzen. Die “Studie” hat festgestellt, dass wenn man das Sturmgewehr G36 wie ein leichtes Maschinengewehr einsetzt, es nicht die Leistung eines leichten Maschienengewehrs erbringt.

    13 andere Länder die das G36 verwenden haben sich kopfschüttelnd angeschaut was hier in Deutschland abgeht und verwenden das G36 weiter.

    Flintenuschi und ihre Beraterkolonne sollten für ihre Sabotage an der Bundeswehr und Veruntreuung von Geldern vor Gericht.

  • I used my PC to watch TV from bed before sleeping and just set an auto shutdown so it would turn off after I fell asleep. Once I forgot to set the auto shutdown. So I did the only reasonable thing: I grabbed the laptop next to my bed, booted it, SSHed into my PC, shut it down remotely and then powered off the laptop. This was in the days of spinning hard discs and the entire scheme took at least 20 times as long as had I just gotten up, moved 1.5m (that’s 5 feet in freedom units) and shut it down directly.

  • If only …

    I used to like C++. Over the last ~20 years it became a horrible language (imho). It now has more syntax than all other C-style languages combined. I try not to touch it (anymore) if I don’t have to. ~7 years ago I got hired as a senior C# .NET developer (experience since .NET 1.1). I ended up doing nothing but C++ for the first year because people found out I could do it. I was the guy in that meme: