• 1 Post
Joined 23 days ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2024


  • Why hasn’t Ancestry been sued then? I know there were issues around GEDmatch a while ago (never used them) in terms of privacy. Nothing I’ve read in Ancestry’s Privacy Statement says that they can legally retain data after you’ve requested deletion for an indefinite time. Are you sure it’s Ancestry you’re thinking of and not another company?

  • Yes, absolutely. I used to pirate almost everything because I was too poor to afford most things. Nowadays I can afford more (albeit still poor so some piracy is still out of necessity for monetary reasons). Sometimes I pirate as a try before I buy. Watching/reading reviews just doesn’t always cut it and the only way to know if something is useful/enjoyable if trying it out first. And some things I intentionally pirate even if I can afford because I have an ethical and moral objection to giving money to the company/creator (like Amazon, Disney, Adobe, etc.). And in those instances I also try to pay it forward as much as possible by direct supporting creators, donating to FOSS, charities, FSF, Internet Archive, etc.