• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You’re a really good troll and I’m very familiar with your method. You’ve taken trolling to next-level art form. I’m not even mad, Linkerbaan. Your mo is…chef’s kiss-just beautiful. It’s very subtle, but I see it. Here’s how it usually goes:

    1. Engage by pretending to respond to an argument
    2. Back-and-forth for 2-3 comments where you either: a) intentionally dismiss an argument or b) diminish its consequence (you’ve already started that here I see “minority policies” -haha, nice!)
    3. Ignore counter-points
    4. Provide selective research that fits your narrative
    5. Disappear.

    You do it in every thread, but just subtly enough to keep people busy. It’s…quite impressive. Like I said, not even mad -just impressed. I can’t ascribe a motive to your actions, but…eh you do you.

  • There it is: the same brain dead comment in every thread.

    both sides are the same

    • Tell that to the thousands of children who had their school lunches removed by Republicans; children who depend on that meal

    • Tell that to the LGBTQ+ community who are having their rights stripped away by Republicans

    • Tell that to the school districts whose books are being banned by Moms for Liberty

    • Tell that to the women who’ve lost autonomy over their bodies

    • Tell that to the homeless veterans who get their funding stripped by Republicans

    • Tell that to the people whose social security will be stripped away

    • Tell that to our future kids because Republicans stripped away all environmental protections and left us with a wasteland of hell

    But sure buddy, keep reminding us how both sides are the same

    Fucking troll

  • Usually when discussing a heated topic (politics, gun control-take your pick) and trying to discuss the facts of the matter in a neutral manner but the response comes back with every phrase super charged with morally loaded words. Examples of a conversation I had recently (emphasis mine):

    sure as hell isn’t PANDERING! What the fuck is wrong with you??

    Typical apologist tactic

    PRETENDING to care about the brutal slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent civilians

    deflecting to your conspiracy theory

    shows that YOU don’t care enough about Palestinian lives

    It’s very pronounced on this site for some reason. I don’t know why.

  • TheFonz@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    6 days ago

    Saying that the awful things he does by choice is actually necessary things that he doesn’t like doing and would stop if he could

    Thank goodness it wasn’t my argument.

    the fact that presidents have the power to change longstanding foreign policy

    correct. And my response was…? Let me restate it because maybe it wasn’t clear:

    What a president can do and what a president ought to do in changing policy are two different things and bringing up the fact that change was able to occur in a place with low stakes (cuba: very low stakes) is not equivalent to the policy change that needs to occur in Israel (very high stakes). It’s not apples to apples, is it?

  • TheFonz@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    6 days ago

    no. its just you morally loading every statement so that you can grandstand. And you do it in almost every thread I’ve seen you in. Try, as an exercise, to sometime engage with someone’s arguments (just one time) without invoking any pejorative or dramatic virtuous invocations. You might find a new world is waiting for you- a wold where dialog can flow and thoughts can be exchanged. I’ll be waiting for you there when you’re ready.

  • TheFonz@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    6 days ago

    here is an example of your empty rhetoric:

    sure as hell isn’t PANDERING! What the fuck is wrong with you??

    Typical apologist tactic

    PRETENDING to care about the brutal slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent civilians

    deflecting to your conspiracy theory

    shows that YOU don’t care enough about Palestinian lives

    give me a fucking break.

  • TheFonz@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    6 days ago

    I want lefties to be politically effective, but right now all we care about is empty rhetoric. You’re the prime example of that. Instead of being concerned with engaging and constructing good arguments, you spent half the time criticizing my motivations. Because that’s all we are amounting right now is living up to the meme of ‘hot’ air and no substance. So we come with asinine statements like:

    Biden should just pause Israel because Obama was able to reverse Cuba

    and the moment someone points how stupid this is you went straight to


    We gotta do better (and i don’t care if this sounds like tone policing). I’m sick of the fake moral indignation. I want people to start thinking about being politically effective and actually changing the discourse towards what can be accomplished.