• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It was an Australian Senator that said that in a comment about housing affordability for young people, about them being able to afford a deposit if they weren’t so frivolous with money.

    Ironically, totting that up, and assuming that they buy that every day ceaselessly, and that the cafe never closes, it’s only 10 grand, and Australian housing prices are high enough that in most places, that’s not even enough for a 5% deposit for a $500,000 home. You would only be half-way there.

    You’d still not be able to afford the mortgage, even after buying said home.

  • Unclear. They don’t give their reasoning beyond “complicated = bad”, and very specifically leave it up to the imagination of the reader.

    While they make some interesting points with regards to overcomplication and scope creep, there are also good reasons why we’re still not using programs like ed as text editors, such as it being arcane and unintuitive.

    vi will at least helpfully point out :exit is not an editor command. Instead, ed will not-so-helpfully point out ?.