I don’t care what people say, the most important historical event in my lifetime was the discovery and release of the lost Steely Dan tape containing The Second Arrangement

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/1dbe34a2-ce59-407b-9bef-54c757386963.jpeg

    Yes, but how is that actionable? What can the average person do that they haven’t already been doing to try to induce that? That’s clearly the end goal, but you need a plan to actually execute it. If I was stuck on a desert island with finite resources and I asked you how to solve the problem of not being on the mainland, I’d need more direction than just “Duh, just get back on the mainland”.

  • frustrating annoying, humiliating, or otherwise making uncomfortable someone

    I’d be presenting them a screen with an equivalent offer to the screen that they have presented me. If tip solicitation makes people feel that way, then obviously the customers simply telling businesses as much isn’t changing the system. Through the employees’ voices, the storerunner can identify the tip screen as the root of the problem and remove it.

    who is making less than minimum wage

    Many, but not all, of businesses with tip screens are not minimum wage.

    Your plan is to ask a waitress to give you money

    I’m not asking a waitress. I’m asking someone whose job is to present a monitor. Their manager or corporate overlords can decide if they want to give me money for being such a good customer.

  • The servers and cashiers obviously won’t pay the customers (and surely not out of their own personal funds). The idea is to make the system less efficient for the storerunners such that they have to change how they operate. More time wasted per customer = lower rate of sales and less work done per employee. Customers en masse turning their frustration with tip screens into an issue for a business should lead to the business doing away with the tip screens. Hell, maybe it would even be a catalyst to paying the workers a stable non-tipped wage.

  • Can someone more tech-savvy than me make a smartphone app for customers to request tips from servers? i.e., the customer inputs their own bill total and the app presents a 10%, 20%, custom, and no tip option and asks for the server’s payment details and then would forward money from the server’s bank account/credit card/PayPal to the customer’s bank account/credit card/PayPal. If enough customers swarm tip-screen stores with this as a response, the stores may find their tip-screens no longer worth the time to deal with.

    We fight obnoxious tipping culture by showing it a mirror.

  • That one prisoner that Osha saved:

    The premise of an evil doppelgänger framing the main character for murders seems trite to me, like an idea that was out of an ‘80s B-film. The One-Punch Man clad Jedi also seem to be making the worst plans for the sake of dragging out the plot, ex. sending in Osha alone to talk to the apothecary guy (whom they at the time didn’t know was unaware that Osha was alive), or somehow taking a long route and slow walk to the meditating Jedi even though they knew exactly where he was, or not sealing off the open roof above the meditating Jedi after he was attacked, or not using the stun gun on Mae during the attempted arrest. There were a few other nitpicks that I had.

    The meditating Jedi was cool, though it feels like we needed more background on him. Sol is interesting, and I wonder why he claimed that he saw Mae die. I’d like further depth on Osha’s character, like her showing what makes her tick and what her aims are, rather than just pulling her through situations; her looking back to save the prisoner is a good example of what can help an audience understand a character’s personality, and her frustrated and crafty reaction to having to improvise surviving the landing is a good example of showing her skills and assets. I hope this series allows the characters to express their personalities more, rather than just be pushed from A to B by episodic plot. I’m not familiar with this era of the galaxy, so I look forward to further explanation within the show as to what sets the Jedi and High Republic government apart from how they are in the Prequel Trilogy.