• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Whenever I see something like this I feel I must defend my friend who’s a cop.

    Before being a cop he was a lifeguard at a beach and my bassist.

    Baywatch may tell you differently, but being a lifeguard is a seasonal job, and not a career. The next level of being a lifeguard is becoming a cop, so he did, and he has only beaten one black man so far.

  • I feel kinda bad for her.

    Regardless of being right or wrong, I can’t imagine having all the intimate details of a toxic relationship just be strewn about for the whole world to see in a media circus.

    Not saying she’s innocent by any means, she’s crazy, but so is Depp.

    If anyone has been in a deeply toxic relationship, it’s crazy how much your personality changes. After watching some of that ridiculous trial I had to stop. It started to remind me of my personal experiences with bad relationships. I never experienced anything that extreme, but I feel if time went on, it would not have been too far off.