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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Some people left trash out, some bears came to town, so libertarian ideas are all bad. Yep makes sense.

    You can look up New Harmony indiana if you’d like to find a more credible resource. That’s just google’s top result. It did happen.

    Why am I going to go to work today to save lives in the emergency room if I got paid like everyone else? I had to go to years of schooling, my job is very stressful. Someone working making a hamburger should get the same wages as me?

    It makes sense that a fully socialist society would fail. Even if it has a rich asshole trying to fund it. But you’re right that’s not truly socialism and if it couldn’t work with injected funds from a rich asshole, it’s going to work without it?

    Too much of a good thing can be bad, just like in both examples.

  • Libertarianism has nothing to do with private vs. public companies. Libertarians are not pushing for only private companies.

    Libertarians are for Free Market, but that doesn’t mean only private companies.

    Say you’re paying 10 cents per gallon of water from a private company. If the government can do it and charge you 5 cents per gallon that’s what should happen in a “Free Market”

    What’s not good is when the government charges you 15 cents a gallon and a private company can do it for 10 cents but is blocked from doing it because it’s not a “Free market”.

    If we said USPS is the only mail carrier. UPS or FedEx can’t exist and you’ve got to pay whatever USPS wants to charge. That’s not a free market. Same as saying USPS can’t exist because UPS and FedEx control the sector. Not free.

    In your example it sounds like the government was losing a lot of money with the public water and instead of them charging more and trying to fix everything they just gave up and passed it off to a private company. It’s less that the private company is trying to milk you for all your money but “we don’t have thousands of taxpayers to subsidize our expenses and inflation exists”

    Imagine being happy paying taxes just so your local government can get rid of your public water. They probably increased local taxes to pay for all the public water infrastructure. Are they going to decrease your local taxes now that they aren’t supplying you that service? Your local government screwed you, but you see the new company trying to supply you water as the bad guys.

  • A true libertarian community would have a collectively funded Fire Department and publicly funded roads.

    Libertarians do not want to pay “taxes”. Taxes are a portion of your money the government forcefully takes and does whatever they want with.

    Public services that a libertarian uses, they would feel like they would have to pay for.

    Joe drives to work. He takes a toll road (not saying toll roads are a good solution). He pays for the road that he is using.

    Steve rides the bus to work. His bus ticket will have the cost of the roads fixed in.

    Joe doesn’t want to lose everything in a fire. He gets insurance. Insurance company doesn’t want to lose the whole house. They get a fire department.

    Right now we pay 100% of the fire department in taxes. While paying full price for insurance. Insurance companies get to use the fire department for free.

    The idea that giving up ~40% of your work in hopes that the government takes care of you is ridiculous (Social Security is a government ran ponzi scheme). The idea that giving up ~40% of your work in hopes that the government takes care of someone else is also ridiculous.

    The government used every penny of taxes you have paid or ever will pay to not even make a dent in the bail out of privately owned banks. Hell, they probably handed Tom Brady more than that in just the PPP loans he received and never had to pay back.

    But life can’t function without government taxes /s

    No taxation without representation. Do you feel represented?

  • LEGO is a trademarked name

    Correct way to talk about Lego bricks is to say Lego bricks

    “Pass me all your Lego!” Is not a correct sentence. “Pass me all your Lego bricks!”

    If there were 15 Lamborghini cars in a parking lot. You’d say “That’s a lot of Lamborghinis”

    Lamborghini doesn’t have to worry about Lamborghini becoming synonymous with “cars”. So Lamborghini doesn’t care.

    If everyone keep saying “Legos” for “Plastic Bricks”. Lego could have a trademark situation on their hands, so they try their hardest to stop people calling the individual plastic blocks Legos.

    It being plural is like a myth.

    I have many Lego. I enjoy playing with my Lego. My Lego makes me happy.

  • If everyone had solar panels and thought like you, we’d still have globe warming

    Energy is heat. There’s no such thing as cold, just lack of heat.

    Trapping sun rays then releasing hot air warms the planet. That’s what your system is doing. Removing heat from your house and putting it outside while your electric motor throws out extra heat.

    It just doesn’t have the air pollution that burning coal or gas does.