How many fucking letters can I use? I’m sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023

  • As the population of people raised on the internet increases, you’ll see far more anger responses to the idea that being raised on the internet is bad for you.

    Nobody wants to believe they might not have done it right.

    That being said, kids generally do dumb things, and your initial comment seems a bit harsh for something as silly as rizz tag.

  • My partner and I are like this. We’ve been together for 14 years and are legit best friends.

    I have a feeling too many people paired off right away and decided their first serious relationship was the one, and never actually found an equal. Maybe they married more out of fear of being alone rather than actual desire, or they just can’t tell the difference between sexual novelty and love.

    Even a lot of my married friends start identifying more with boomer humor than romance after 2 or 3 years. Way too many communication issue, or ideas of traditional roles or how things ‘should be’ leading to resentment or exasperation.

    Court long and marry late. And don’t hide your real self when dating.