• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Yeah but the polls didn’t significantly falter, they’re still statistically tied with only a margin of error shift since the debate.

    This isn’t an organic moment of partisan reconsideration. It’s being pushed by the same folks who were already loudly and obnoxiously telling us about how they don’t like Joe and threatening to vote protest or skip voting because, shock of shocks, nobody primaried the sitting president and risk sowing division right before an election where the other candidate is Hitler’s inbred pet mango.

  • Horse Race reporting, it’s literally all the mainstream has to say people are concerned about because his performance actually holds up when you check the stats.

    But if you dare say that people are literally being manipulated into thinking he’s worse than he is you’re “not understanding the median voter’s struggles”

    We need to force the sale of news corporations to the journalists so this profit maxxing bothsidesifying shit can go the way of the dodo.

  • Yes but being made to fly actually hurts them because they aren’t ready for the pressure differences.

    They aren’t crying just for the hell of it as much as everyone likes to joke about that being the case, that’s literally the only way they have to express that they need something or that they’re in some kind of distress for a good stretch of the time after they’re born.

    Until the kid is able to sit still and be relatively quiet all you’re doing by forcing them onto the plane is imposing the very loud and painful results onto everyone else just trying to travel.

    This goes for movies and restaurants and other such public places, though at least now you’re not also actually hurting the kid by bringing them into that situation. Still being as much of an ass to everyone else just trying to go about their business though.

    If you’re mad that you’re not allowed to go anywhere anymore, hire a babysitter to take the break you’re imposing onto everyone else or maybe consider that next time before you bring a being who won’t learn to sit still and stop screaming for everything the want and need for years to come into the world.

    You chose to be a parent, goddamn act like it.

  • Yeah no you brought that shit on yourself.

    • First of all, trans women actually show lower T levels than cis women because they’re literally taking medicine that blocks its production, and yes, cis women do produce testosterone too, just not from testicles. So whatever nonse you think you’re able to clock trans women with, you’re probably accusing cis women and being a real douche about it too.

    • Second, dead naming is genuinely just a dick thing to do even outside the presence of the person in question, because you’re fundamentally saying that you care so little for someone that you’re not even going to respect their preferred form of being addressed, which like, why would ya go out of your way to be that asshole. You’re being that guy who insists on calling Tim Timothy all the time, why would you be doing that except to get under Tim’s skin? Stop being that guy and just call him Tim like a normal person who doesn’t need to have basic manners and zero effort good human behavior explained to them.

    • Third, so you’re admitting outright you broke community rules and are still thinking the post in question being removed is unfair? I’m not normally a fan of powermodding but bro that’s not an excuse to be mad that you faced consequences for breaking the rules in broad daylight.

  • You mean that super majority that lasted only long enough to get the Affordable Care Act done and even then only after like ten Joe Manchins had to be appeased first?

    The dems have had all three branches for maybe ten percent of all that time since the 90s and even then only barely.

    This would not be a problem if y’all spent half the energy turning out that you do complaining about what happened because everyone else did.