Ah OK gotcha
Ah OK gotcha
Thanks for that, those all sound solid features
That sounds like a big plus. Someone else said this was some self hosted thing though which is over my head unfortunately
Do you know if it works OK in English too?
This was the worst time I’ve seen. Here’s a screenshot. The search term was benaroya hall if you want to try yourself.
Wait you can really turn the ads off?
Nice this one sounds great! I actually like cards in moderation, just not so many I can’t see the results without scrolling.
This one looks really good. I’m not sure how they make money though.
This one gives crypto vibes. They talk about earning tokens for using but don’t explain what they do.
What about it is worth paying for?
Hopefully it stays that way. I’ve read horror stories about buildings hiring HOA management companies out of nowhere who take over and turn things shitty. 😔
Does this group have any teeth, or is this likely a nothing burger?
Yeah and you’re gonna have to pretend to laugh at their jokes
Moving the goal posts 😥
Yeah American Cheese the product is some crazy shit. You should try some artisan cheese from Wisconsin, though. World class stuff over there. I had a 15 year cave aged cheddar from there once and I’m still thinking about it to this day.
No arguments from me. When can we start?
American here. Can we come too?
I think it’s a really important question though, and one that bears repeating again and again. AI was built on a complete disregard for consent, and that continued disregard makes it all very unconscionable.
No offense to nebula (I’m rooting for them) but unless you exclusively watch news and educational content it basically has nothing to offer. I tried it for a year and I ended up barely using it because I don’t watch that type of content.
Damn you aren’t kidding! It’s written weirdly past tense, too, for an article talking about a brand new game. “It became a cultural phenomenon”.
It really caught me off guard. I had another search later today after I posted this that only had one Ad at the top, so it seems like it depends on the search term. I’m not thrilled this is even possible though 😒