Signore dei mari, lmao

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This is because a lot of well-built towns (or cities) have been bulldozed and rebuilt for cars instead of people. Or some built directly with only cars in mind (I wonder if car and oil companies had a role in this…, they did). This is why one of the key points (maybe the first step and the most important one) is to allow, invest in and develop better urban areas: allow two or more stories buildings, so not only areas are denser, thus it makes sense to serve them with transit, but also your doctor is allowed to have their office there; so your dentist; so are stores and pharmacies (that can only thrive in an environment where people live, not a suburban sprawl of cars and megastores). Cities built like this always have fast and efficient transit to the airports, to recreational areas (parks and your pond) and most likely to your parents.

    Banning cars where you are FORCED to use a car to do anything doesn’t make sense. Building fake “bike-lanes” that lead to nowhere in zero-density areas with no point of interest (a store, your doctor, a station…) also doesn’t make sense.

    What you can and should do is advocate for the abolishment of outdated zoning laws and the proposal of new transit projects. Change in those areas takes the most because it’s like starting to cultivate strawberries on a desert.

  • This. It’s a sensor, detecting only a specific air type. Not a camera, not a microphone. It doesn’t have to do with privacy, this is not “scan and collect data about all to punish one” and cannot be turned into one.

    I’ll agree it’s a fuc**ing dumb idea. Like utter useless garbage. Classic capitalistic “fix behavioral trash-consumption issue with overpriced fancy tech products that sound amazing in theory and are garbage in practice, without fighting the problem at the root”. Screenshot comment said tax moeny but I’m willing to bet this is some kind of private school.

  • Sadly that is not an option for firefox on android yet (while it is on desktop), the only choises you are left with are:

    • Use ff focus that completely resets the browser deleting every cookie in the process
    • Use normal ff and:
    1. Just accept that you have to deal with cookies and care to carefully select Reject on every banner
    2. Turn on delete data on “exit button press” (which sadly deletes everything again, with no possibility to whitelist some websites).

    That said, i believe Firefox should have (even on android) their “total cookie protection” thing which puts them in separate containers for each domain, so you are somewhat protected by cookie cross-tracking, but i would still prefer to delete most of them at close.

  • Google sure is creating a lot of Pixel-fanboys by instilling this myth that if you dont get daddy google’s precious over-the-air updates delivered to your phone in 30 seconds after their release your phone might be at great risk®™ (exactly like if you dont let google play store scan the apps on your device to look for malicious software, like F-Droid, a common known attack vector).

    Because surely Fairphone users are all government officials with nuclear codes and Kim Jong-un’s nudes saved in their notes and teams of indian hackers are 24/7 waiting for a security update to release, so they can unpack the zero-day-vulnerabilities before fairphone gets their release-cycle

    Can you please elaborate further on this “component lifespan” thing? Because I think they were quite clear on the processor life cycle.